ECEN3714 Network Analysis Lecture #12 9 February 2015 Dr. George Scheets n Read 14.1 & 14.2 n Problems: 13.51, 53, & 55 n Quiz #3 this Friday n Quiz 2 Results Hi = 8.0, Low = 5.6, Average = 5.60 Standard Deviation = 1.31
ECEN3714 Network Analysis Lecture #13 11 February 2015 Dr. George Scheets n Read 14.3 n Problems: Old Quiz #3 n Quiz #3 this Friday n Exam #1 Results Hi = 92.5, Low = 25, Average = Standard Deviation = A > 88, B > 78, C > 64, D > 45
OSU IEEE n February General Meeting n 5:30-6:30 pm, Wednesday, 18 February n ES201b n Reps from Tinker AFB will present n Dinner will be served + 3 points extra credit n All are invited
S Domain Voltage & Currents n Resistor (v = iR) V(s) = I(s) R I(s) = V(s)/R n Capacitor (i = C dv/dt) I(s) = sCV(s) – Cv(0 - ) V(s) = I(s)/(sC) + v(0 - )/s n Inductor (v = L di/dt) V(s) = sLI(s) – Li(0 - ) I(s) = V(s)/(sL) + i(0 - )/s
Georg Ohm n Born 1789 n Died 1854 n German Mathematician & Physicist n Figured out voltage = (current)(resistance) u Published in 1827 text "The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically" source: Wikipedia
Michael Faraday n Born 1791 n Died 1867 n English Chemist & Physicist n Investigated magnetism and electricity n "farad" named after him in 1861 source: Wikipedia
Joseph Henry n Born 1797 n Died 1878 n American Scientist n First Secretary of Smithsonian Institute n Early developer of electro-magnets u Discovered of inductance u So did Faraday at about the same time source: Wikipedia
V(s) = 10 5 /(s 2 + 2*10 5 s ) Im xx -500 Re -199,500 Stability Issues: No complex poles = no oscillation. Location of poles on real axis sets decay rate. Choice of R, C, and/or L may result in complex poles.
V(s) = 10 5 /(s 2 + 2*10 5 s ) t v(t) v(t) =.5025(e -500t - e -199,500t ) Im xx -500 Re -199,500 Stability Issues: No complex poles = no oscillation. Location of poles on real axis sets decay rate. Choice of R, C, and/or L may result in complex poles.
Gustav Kirchoff n Born 1824 n Died 1887 n German Physicist n KCL & KVL formulated in 1852 Doctoral Dissertation source: Wikipedia
Guillaume de L'Hospital n Born 1661 n Died 1704 n French Mathematician n L'Hospital's Rule First published in 1692 u Analyse des Infiniment Petits pour l'Intelligence des Lignes Courbes u Discovery credited to Johann Bernoulli source: Wikipedia