With Ms. Vizas Room 134
The Roman Empire Islamic Civilizations Feudal Europe and Japan Imperial China Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali & Songhai
The Renaissance The Reformation The Scientific Revolution Enlightenment The Maya, Aztec and Inca
Daily Supplies to Bring to Class: Journal For Warm-Up, notes, reflections, et cetera Binder with divider tabs Colored pencils Helpful: water, layered clothing
HomeworkHomework Weekly Chapter Study Guides Handed out in class and available on the LACES website Any unfinished classwork Students have Study Buddies to call on if they are absent or need help!!!
AssessmentsAssessments Chapter/Unit Tests and Quizzes Projects will be on LACES website 1 st --Islam Poster Project Act it Outs Historical writing Writing with primary and secondary sources
A = % B = 80-89% C= 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 0-59% A = % B = 80-89% C= 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 0-59%
Half credit for classwork assignments turned in late. Homework may be turned in one week past due date for late credit.
Check your child’s agenda. Instead of “Do you have homework?” say, “Show me your homework.” Subscribe to Teacher Pages on the LACES website.