DANIEL is a ‘key’ to understanding our present time and the future. KEY =...
The Key Designer [Daniel] Born...exiled...served...died. Model for any believer of any day. E.g....
Sketch of The Key
Keys To The Key [Framework For The Future] Three key passages in Daniel provide a framework for the future 1 st Key 2: nd Key 7: rd Key 9:24-27 Details are supplied in chapter 7, 8, 11, and 12
1 st Key Passage 2:36-45
Lion 4 Bear 5 Leopard 6 Unnamed 7 Ten 7 Little 8 Ancient 9-12 Son Horns Horn of Days of Man Babylon Persia Greece Rome Time NOT To Scale Daniel’s Death 2 nd Key Passage 7:
Lion 4 Bear 5 Leopard 6 Unnamed 7 Ten 7 Little 8 Ancient 9-12 Son Horns Horn of Days of Man Babylon Persia Greece Rome Time NOT To Scale Daniel’s Death 2 nd Key Passage 7: a24b
Time Not To Scale Seventy Weeks Daniel 9:24-27 Each Verse Says Something About Some Part of The 70 Weeks 3 rd Key Passage 9: Weeks 70 th Week 7 Weeks After 62 nd Week Divine Purposes Fulfilled Restoration Jerusalem Up To The Messiah Cycles After The Messiah Conclusion
A Few Key Lessons For You 1.Fulfilled prophecy is one of the strongest evidences in support of inspiration and inerrancy. Daniel is a key. 2.Know and understand our time. If you want to understand our time and your future, study Daniel, it is the key. 3.Purpose in your heart to live for God 1:8 4.Prayer is the only solution to unsolvable problems 2:18 5.God is sovereign over history, nations, lives. 2:28,29 6.Choose God’s way in matters of worship and morality even if... 3:16-18
A Few Key Lessons For You 7. God never leaves you alone 3:25 8. The most important lesson in life 4: Like Daniel your faith may be examined under a microscope by others 6:5 10. Model your prayer after Daniel 9: Memorize 9: Set your heart to understand and humble yourself before God 10:12