CS102 Introduction to Computer Programming Chapter 4 Making Decisions
Chapter 4 Topics Relational Operators Value of a Relationship What is Truth The if Statement Flags Expanding the if Statement The if/else Statement The if/else if Statement Using the Trailing else
Relational Operators Relational OperatorMeaning >greater than <Less than >=greater than or equal to <=less than or equal to ==equivalent to !=not equal to Concept - Relational operators allow you to compare numeric values
Value of a Relationship All expressions have a value –The value of a relational expression is either 1 if true or 0 if false –A relational expression is also called a Boolean expression Think of a relational expression as a question the computer will answer not a statement of fact Concept - A relational expression is either true or false
Program 4-1 /*This program displays the values of true and false states.*/ #include void main(void) { int True, False int X = 5, Y = 10; True = (X < Y); False = (Y = = X); cout << "True is " << True << endl; cout << "False is " << False << endl; } Program Output True is 1 False is 0 The computer represents the abstract concept of truth as an integer value. 1 for true 0 for not true
What is Truth C++ deals with the abstract states of true or false by converting them to numbers Because a relational expression is an expression and has a value, the value can be –assigned to a variable –displayed with cout –used in a mathematical expression Concept - True and false are values that can be stored in memory
Check Point If x is 5, y is 6 and z is 8 x == 5 7 <= (x+2) z>4 (2+x)!=y z!=4 x>=0 x<=(y*2) Correct or not (x x) (x!=y) == (y>=x) (x>=y) == (y<=x) x>y and x<z then y<z x>=y and x==z then y==z x!=y and x!=z then z!=y T T T T T T T F F T T F F
The if Statement The if statement allows a program to have more than one path of execution if (expression) statement ; If the value of the expression is: –0, then statement is skipped –Not 0, then statement is executed Note: the ; goes at the end of the if statement not at the end of the line Concept - The if statement can cause other statements to execute only under certain conditions
The if Flow Chart Symbol if expression statement end !0 0
Program 4-2 //This program averages 3 test scores #include void main(void) { int Score1, Score2, Score3; float Average; cout << "Enter 3 test scores and I will average them: "; cin >> Score1 >> Score2 >> Score3; Average = (Score1 + Score2 + Score3) / 3.0; cout.precision(1); cout.setf(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); cout << "Your average is " << Average << endl; if (Average > 95) cout << "Congratulations! That's a high score!\n"; } Enter 3 test scores and I will average them: [Enter] Your average is 80.0 This program uses a simple if statement to test the value of average Enter 3 test scores and I will average them: [Enter] Your average is Congratulations! That's a high score! Program Output
The if Statement continued Be careful with comparing floating point numbers –Rounding errors can cause unwanted results –stick with relationships Any non-zero value is considered true = = is not the same as = x = = y is either 0 or 1 if (x = = y ) x = y is the value of y if (x = y ) Unless y=0 this condition is always true
Flags Flag variables are set by the programmer to trigger a specific operation if a specific condition has been met –if the flag = = 0, then the condition is not met –if the flag != 0, then the condition has been met Note: Variables are not automatically set to 0 –always be sure to initialize flags Concept - A flag is a variable, usually an integer, that signals when a condition has been met
Program 4-6 /*This program averages 3 test scores. It uses the variable HighScore as a flag.*/ #include void main(void) { int Score1, Score2, Score3; int true = 1, false = 0; float Average; int HighScore = false; cout << "Enter your 3 test scores and I will average them: "; cin >> Score1 >> Score2 >> Score3; Average = (Score1 + Score2 + Score3) / 3.0; if (Average > 95) HighScore = true; // Set the flag variable cout << fixed << showpoint <<setprecision(1); cout << "Your average is " << Average << endl; if (HighScore) cout << "Congratulations! That's a high score!\n"; } Program Output with Example Input Enter your 3 test scores and I will average them: [Enter] Your average is Congratulations! That's a high score! The conditional expression in an if statement does not have to be a relational expression.
Expanding the if Statement If you need to execute more than one statement when the condition is true: –start with an open bracket { –enter all the statements to be executed ending each one with a ; –End with a closing bracket } Concept - The if statement can conditionally execute a block of statements enclosed in brackets
Program 4-7 /*This program averages 3 test scores. It uses the variable HighScore as a flag.*/ #include void main(void) { int Score1, Score2, Score3; float Average; bool HighScore = false; cout << "Enter 3 test scores and I will average them: "; cin >> Score1 >> Score2 >> Score3; Average = (Score1 + Score2 + Score3) / 3.0; if (Average > 95) HighScore = true; // Set the flag variable cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1); cout << "Your average is " << Average << endl; if (HighScore) { cout << "Congratulations!\n"; cout << "That's a high score.\n"; cout << "You deserve a pat on the back!\n"; } Program Output Enter your 3 test scores and I will average them: [Enter] Your average is Congratulations! That's a high score! Your deserve a pat on the back If the condition is true everything inside the braces is executed
Programming Style and the if Statement The conditionally executed statement should appear on the line after the if statement. The conditionally executed statement should be indented one “level” from the if statement. Note: Each time you press the tab key, you are indenting one level.
The if / else Statement The if / else statement selects one of two statements or blocks of code to execute if (expression) statement or block; else statement or block; Concept - The if/else statement will execute one group of statements if the expression is true and another if it is false
The if / else Flow Chart Symbol if expression Statement or block end True False Statement or block
Program 4-9 /* This program uses the modulus operator to determine if a number is odd or even. If evenly divided the number is by 2, it is an even number. A remainder indicates it is odd.*/ #include void main(void) { int Number; cout << "Enter an integer and I will tell you if it\n"; cout << "is odd or even. "; cin >> Number; if (Number % 2 == 0) cout << Number << " is even.\n"; else cout << Number << " is odd.\n"; } The if/else allows the control of two paths with one statement Program Output Enter an integer and I will tell you if it is odd or even. 17 [Enter] 17 is odd.
Program 4-10 /* This program asks the user for two numbers, Num1 and Num2. Num1 is divided by Num2 and the result is displayed. Before the division operation, however, Num2 is tested for the value 0. If it contains 0, the division does not take place.*/ #include void main(void) { float Num1, Num2, Quotient; cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> Num1; cout << "Enter another number: "; cin >> Num2; if (Num2 == 0) { cout << "Division by zero is not possible.\n"; cout << "Please run the program again and enter\n"; cout << "a number besides zero.\n"; } else { Quotient = Num1 / Num2; cout << "The quotient of " << Num1 << " divided by "; cout<< Num2 << " is " << Quotient << ".\n"; } This program uses the if statement to avoid an undesirable operation
Program Output (When the user enters 0 for Num2 ) Enter a number: 10 [Enter] Enter another number: 0 [Enter] Division by zero is not possible. Please run the program again and enter a number besides zero.
The if / else if Statement The tests are performed one after another until one is found to be true. The if / else statement selects one of two statements or blocks of code to execute if (expression) statement or block; else if (expression) statement or block; Concept - The if / else if statement is a chain of if statements
Flow Chart for the if / else if if expression Statement or block end True False Statement or block Else if expression True False
Program 4-11 /* This program uses an if/else if statement to assign a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) to a numeric test score.*/ #include void main(void) { int TestScore; char Grade; cout << "Enter your numeric test score and I will\n"; cout << "tell you the letter grade you earned: "; cin >> TestScore; if (TestScore < 60) Grade = 'F'; else if (TestScore < 70) Grade = 'D'; else if (TestScore < 80) Grade = 'C'; else if (TestScore < 90) Grade = 'B'; else if (TestScore <= 100) Grade = 'A'; cout << "Your grade is " << Grade << ".\n"; } Program Output Enter your test score and I will tell you the letter grade you earned: 88 [Enter] Your grade is B. As soon as a true condition is met the if / else if statement terminates
Program 4-12 // This program uses independent if statements to assign a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) to a numeric test score. #include void main(void) { int TestScore; char Grade; cout << "Enter your test score and I will tell you\n"; cout << "the letter grade you earned: "; cin >> TestScore; if (TestScore < 60) Grade = 'F'; if (TestScore < 70) Grade = 'D'; if (TestScore < 80) Grade = 'C'; if (TestScore < 90) Grade = 'B'; if (TestScore <= 100) Grade = 'A'; cout << "Your grade is " << Grade << ".\n"; } Program Output Enter your test score and I will tell you the letter grade you earned: 40 [Enter] Your grade is A. Do you think it will work?
Using the Trailing else Can be used to to take care of any case not considered by the if expressions if (expression) statement or block; else if (expression) statement or block; else statement or block; Concept - The trailing else placed at the end of an if / else if statement provides default action when none of the ifs are true
Program 4-13 /* This program uses an if/else if statement to assign a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) to a numeric test score. A trailing else has been added to catch test scores > 100.*/ #include void main(void) { int TestScore; cout << "Enter your test score and I will tell you\n"; cout << "the letter grade you earned: "; cin >> TestScore; if (TestScore < 60) { cout << "Your grade is F.\n"; cout << "This is a failing grade. Better see your "; cout << "instructor.\n"; } else if (TestScore < 70) { cout << "Your grade is D.\n"; cout << "This is below average. You should get "; cout << "tutoring.\n"; }
Program continues else if (TestScore < 80) { cout << "Your grade is C.\n"; cout << "This is average.\n"; } else if (TestScore < 90) { cout << "Your grade is B.\n"; cout << "This is an above average grade.\n"; } else if (TestScore <= 100) { cout << "Your grade is A.\n"; cout << "This is a superior grade. Good work!\n"; } else Program Output Enter your test score and I will tell you the letter grade you earned: 104 [Enter] 104 is an invalid score. Please enter scores no greater than 100. else { cout << TestScore << " is an invalid score.\n"; cout << "Please enter scores no greatr than 100.\n"; }