April 13 th 2014
Pascha prayers: Today: From 6:00 – 9:00p.m Monday – Wednesday : 6 – 7 a.m & 11a – 1:30p.m 6 – 8:30p.m & 10 – 11p.m )Arabic Pascha) + Holy Thursday Liturgy: 7:30a.m – 2:30p.m Thursday evening Pascha 6 -9:30pm + Good Friday: 8:00a.m – 5:30p.m + Apo-ghalmsis: Friday 11:00p.m – Saturday 7:00a.m + Resurrection Eve : Saturday 7:00p.m - 12:30a.m (Sunday)
We need some volunteers (mainly men) to help with setting up the church for the Holy week…we will start right after the Funeral prayer.
Resurrection day family gathering…will be Sunday April 20 th from 12:00 - 6:00p.m. Easter Monday gathering will be from 5:00- 8:30p.m There will be a fee to cover the expenses of renting the bounce house, pop corn machine, and the food. Suggested donation: $6/person (children under 10 for free) & ($4/person for Easter Monday.) Mona Boutros & Nabil Aziz will be in charge of collecting the fees.
Congratulations to Nagy AbdelMalek and Nardine on the birth of their daughter Berbetwa. Congratulations to Mobark and Ebtsam on the birth of their son George.
Please make sure to prepare to attend the Holy Thursday (May 2 nd ) & Good Friday (May 3 rd )… the excuse letter for school is available with Ehab Mikhail.
Young adult choir (Arabic & English) will start April 27 th 2014 God willing…Sherry Gayed is responsible for this Choir…please contact het if you are interested to join.
We will start taking care of the church cleaning from the first weekend of May 2014 God willing…please contact Nivin George or Evette Youssef for more details. The groups schedule will be posted on our website by next week.
We need all your prayers and support for the future building project…the schematic design phase is almost done…we will inform you of the full details as soon as we approve all the building details.