Policy and Research Committee Zoetermeer, November 18 th, 2011 Jeremy Candfield and Imrich Korpanec
Content Policy and Research Committee Information on the latest developments in EIM and CER Committee’s future activities ERRAC – brief on the latest main issues Progress on Auto-Main project
Mrs Monika HEIMING new Executive Director EFRTC sent letter of congratulations and making reference to topics for cooperation Proposal for meeting EIM/EFRTC is welcomed by EIM, date will be fixed after EIM GA in December Positive sign – EIM appointed professional designer for publishing Market strategy report and will organise event for presenting report EIM Policy and Research Committee
Mr Libor LOCHMAN will succeed Mr Johannes Ludewig on as Executive Director EFRTC sent a letter of congratulations and making a reference to well established contacts and proposals for the continuation Mr Lochman reaction: further development of European railways has always been his priority and cooperation with EFRTC was one of his personal challenges. Agreement to meet in January 2012 CER Policy and Research Committee
Committee’s future activities Policy and Research Committee Proposals to be discussed at the P & R meeting with participation of major partners clients - (EIM/CER) and industry (UNIFE) 1. Policy and Research issues related to contractors from point of view of IM’s and industry 2. Revisiting of joint initiative priorities Long term planning and funding Contracting strategy
Committee’s future activities Policy and Research Committee 3. ERRAC and Joint Technology Initiatives – potential for our contribution/participation 4. Research project proposals for EC funding Optimized Infrastructure Asset Management A vision of Railway Infrastructure and Operations for 2050; - The Forever Open Railway 5. EC Auto-Main project workshop to be organized by EFRTC Paris, 19 April 2012
ERRAC – brief latest main issues Policy and Research Committee Vision document – “Rail Route 2050: The sustainable Backbone of Single European Transport Area” is ready ERRAC proposals EC DG Research EFRTC declared interest to be involved in two projects mentioned above
Auto-Main project Policy and Research Committee Two deliverables were completed D 1.1 Market and customer requirements for the project D 7.2 Dissemination, exploitation and training plan To be completed in February 2012 WP 1 Functional requirements and objective functions WP 2 A new maintenance task analyses approach
Auto-Main project Policy and Research Committee This will be 1 st project milestone which should serve for further project design work and demonstration. In accordance with D 7.2 three workshops at each milestone shall be organised: by UNIFE, UIC and EFRTC As 1 st milestone is important for contractors EFRTC has agreed to organize 1 st AUTOMAIN workshop Paris, 19 April 2012
Takes note of information provided Encourages Committee to continue to follow up joint initiatives with EIM and CER Notes potential with EFRTC involvement in project proposals for EC funding The EFRTC General Meeting