EMINENT Nov MyHighcliffe - ePortfolio
EMINENT Nov Setting the scene…. Secondary School (11 to 18) 1300 Students. Full Time Equivalent of 85 teachers Every teacher supplied with a personal laptop and a wireless network installed to cover entire site. (September 2000) 550 computers on site. (110 September 1999) ‘Open Door’ policy on IT rooms – allowing students access to equipment when required. Senior management team firmly believe ICT needs to be embraced! Two Fulltime ICT Support Staff
EMINENT Nov What is MyHighcliffe? -Attendance Records -Past Reports (and soon as they are written!) -Awards Log -Achievement Log -Library Loans -Website Visit Log (shows which sites they have been on) -Timetable - s -List of Activity Groups they belong too -Personal Statement -The Highcliffe Challenge -Access to personal network files from home Highcliffe Schools ‘home designed’ Web Portal system that allows students and parents to access their school e-portfolio. The system presently includes :
EMINENT Nov How did it come about? Timetable -Student -Staff -Rooms Student Database -Address -Contact -Exam Entries -KS Data -Activity Groups Paper Based Systems -Awards -Achievements -Attendance -Old Reports -Medical Room Logging -Personal Statements Electronic Systems -Reports -Progress Checks -Teaching Data -Library Loans -Website Logging SIS Staff Web Portal to all student information (one database) MyHighcliffe (students) MyHighcliffe (Parents)
EMINENT Nov Demonstration
EMINENT Nov Scenario - self learning Stephanie discovered the Highcliffe Challenge and wanted to complete as many ‘challenges’ as possible. She decided to look at the ‘Undertake environmental or conservation work’ challenge. Researched ‘House Sparrow’ and started a project to raise the awareness of the declining numbers of this bird. Used ICT to produce a leaflet to distribute. Entered the information on the MyHighcliffe Site and selected a member of staff to verify her actions. Staff member was ‘impressed’ and brought to attention of headteacher.
EMINENT Nov Scenario - benefits Learner Motivation to undertake own personal learning Guidance as to which ‘challenges’ are suggested at different times during education cycle Personal Challenge with award after completion Teacher Discover activities students undertake out of school Use of such challenges around whole school No paper work involved and ability to see learners achievements at a touch of a button. Parents Keep track of students learning and activities Able to ‘motivate’ student to undertake challenges and follow progress Whole School Tracking of outside activities possible. Utilisation of one challenge as a whole school project. House Sparrow New place to live!
EMINENT Nov Real Life Mini Scenarios New Student walking to school for the first time Mum is able to logon and see son has arrived at first lesson as electronic register is completed. Student is looking at her latest report before it is sent home. Able to ask teacher why she has been given a low mark for effort. Teacher looks again and realises he has made a mistake. New School Year - New timetable Out of 500 students, 60% had come into school on the first day already having printed off their new timetables! Student is able to review the targets set in their last report Has enabled every student to know their own targets and how to improve. School is able to keep track of awards given to students After 50 or 100 merits have been awarded to a student, letter of congratulations is sent home to student and parents.
EMINENT Nov Statistics! 300 Active Parental Accounts Average 100 People access to MyHighcliffe each day! Around 50 People access the system every weekend and 40 each evening Total of 168,000 hits over the last nine months!
EMINENT Nov Future….. Working with feeder schools to produce a ‘Highcliffe Challenge’ for lower years. Allow teachers to be able to look at students learning portfolio before entering school. Allowing parents to ‘sign-off’ challenges. ‘My Work’ area for students to allow storage of ‘exemplar’ work. Graphing of students data to show progress in subjects. ‘Teachers Toolbox’ to pull together the most used areas of the staff portal system into one web page.