Year 563 B.C. Birth of Siddharta Gautama of the Sakyas Royal upbringing Model family and wealth Siddharta, age 20: serious discontent with position and power Totally broke with his position and worldly estate
Monkhood in the forest learned raja yoga and theories of Hinduism joined group of ascetics left ascetics and wondered alone practicing raja yoga Middle Way Enlightenment: the truth or meaning of life
Four Noble Truths: The truths of life; patterns and observations about life 1. Life is dukkha 2. Reason for suffering is tanha 3. The cure for selfish cravings lies in the overcoming of those cravings 4. Eightfold Path
Right Views Right Intent Right Speech Right Conduct Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration
Reincarnation: different bodies only tangentially connected Karma After multiple cycles of death and rebirth, one can achieve Nirvana (after Enlightenment)
Rejects caste system Rejects the “fanciful ceremonies” of the Brahmans Because rejected caste system, was very much a religion of the lower classes (though it did have upper class followers) Uses caste system Brahmans still controlled much of the religion and ceremonies Was a “selective” religion, differentiated between different occupations and wealth Karma
270 BCE: Coronation of Emperor Asoka of the Mauryan Empire Kalinga War and loss of life Conversion to Buddhism Conversion of both nobles and commoners How does this affect his reign?