Chapter 4.1 Guided Reading and Review Hinduism and Buddhism
A. Main Ideas 1. Founder: Hinduism: No Single Founder Buddhism: Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha)
A. Main Ideas 2. Relationship with God: Hinduism: Many gods give form to Brahman Buddhism: No formal rituals, priests, or worship of many gods
A. Main Ideas 3. Goal of Life: Hinduism: To achieve Moksha or union with Brahman Buddhism: Must follow the eight-fold path to understand the four noble truths and reach nirvana
A. Main Ideas 4. Sacred Texts: Hinduism: Vedas and Upanishads Buddhism: The Tripitaka
A. Main Ideas 5. Attitude Toward Nonviolence: Hinduism: Followed Akimsa or Non-violence Buddhism: Believe in nonviolence
A. Main Ideas 6. Reincarnation: Hinduism: Believed in reincarnation and the principles of Karma and Dharma Buddhism: Believed in reincarnation and the
A. Main Ideas 7. Caste System: Hinduism: Embraced Caste System Buddhism: Rejected the Caste System
B. Reviewing Key Terms 8. Atman : Hindu concept of essential self, another name for Brahman
B. Reviewing Key Terms 9. Reincarnation: The rebirth of the soul
B. Reviewing Key Terms 10. Karma: the believe that actions in this life will affect one’s fate in the next life
B. Reviewing Key Terms 11. Dharma: Religious and moral duties of an individual
B. Reviewing Key Terms 12. Ahimsa: Hindu principle of non- violence which teaches that all people and things should be respected.