Eastern Religious Philosophies Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism Old Indian religion Both polytheistic and monotheistic All powerful world soul or force in all of us Based on reincarnation and the caste system All of us are trying to rejoin the world’s soul Buddhism Siddartha Gautama – first Buddha or “enlightened one” Based on understanding relationship between desire and pain Eliminate desire to eliminate suffering Eliminate desire = achieve Nirvana and break cycle of reincarnation
Hinduism in Detail Oldest surviving major world religion Polytheistic and monotheistic at the same time Brahman – the world’s soul (monotheistic) Different Hindu gods -- really just manifestations of Brahman Creation – Brahman shattered – each of us has a piece of Brahman – it’s the “life force” in all living things Reincarnation – cycle of rebirth based on Karma (the way you live your life)– we’re all eventually trying to rejoin Brahman – only members of the priest class with good Karma will be able to rejoin Brahman Caste system: 14 levels of humans from Brahmin (priest class) to Untouchables (lowest humans)
Buddhism in Detail Siddhartha Gautama – Hindu prince who had a crisis of faith and walked among the people and observed the world Four Noble Truths Everyone suffers Suffering is caused by desire To eliminate suffering – eliminate desire To eliminate desire – follow the Eight fold path to righteousness Eliminating desire would thus allow a person to become “enlightened” or a Buddha. This was called achieving a state called Nirvana Achieve Nirvana and break the cycle of reincarnation and join the world’s soul Anyone not achieving Nirvana would ensure their good Karma and would go up on the ladder of reincarnation