Pupil Services and Attendance Los Angeles Unified School District Pupil Services and Attendance Valerie Corcoran, Field Coordinator Superintendent’s Intensive Support and Innovation Center September 27, 2012
I Know You Feel Like This !
But, Remember….It can always be…
Much Worse !!
Congratulations For Surviving Month One !!!
Presentation Outline Let’s Review ! Review of new Data Common Opening Year Challenges Solutions Best Practices Where to Find Help Review of new Data Staying on Top of Your Attendance
Challenge #1-Submitting Attendance The students are here! but ISIS is DOWN and Attendance is Not Being Submitted #%$&*@+?}#@ (Rats!)
Solution #1-Submitting Attendance Have “sub folders” in the office and each classroom for substitute teachers or when ISIS is down: Five Column Class Worksheets/Rosters Student Class Schedules Campus Map with Emergency Exits Bell Schedule Attendance taking instructions for Subs As soon as ISIS is running, have a plan to ensure all teachers enter their attendance
Consequences of Not Submitting Accurate Attendance Unable to identify no-shows Unable to confirm actual enrollment numbers Unable to identify students with attendance problems Audits Misrepresentation of ADA District can be fined and must repay state falsely claimed ADA Unable to account for students Liability Parent Inquiries During emergencies Unable to SARB or prosecute truants with faulty records
Best Attendance Taking Practices Staff takes attendance on paper roster (for submission later) or ISIS 15 minutes after beginning of period Paper rosters must be filed in office in case of audit A designated staff member runs the Attendance Not Submitted Report 30 minutes into each period or twice per day minimum Principal directs teachers to submit attendance Administrator holds teachers accountable for entering attendance by 5:00 p.m. Administrator requests ISIS to re-open module to permit late entries when necessary
Where to Find ANS Info & Help Attendance Not Submitted (ANS) Reports Login to ISIS → Reports → Attendance General Teacher Discrepancy Memos Login to ISIS → Reports → Attendance Daily Use Provide memos to teachers Teachers note changes, sign and return to office Office staff updates student attendance in ISIS and files memos for audit purposes Submitting attendance after deadline ISIS Homepage → FAQ’s → Attendance and Enrollment → “LAUSDMAX Attendance Parameter Change Request” Form
How do we find our No-Show Students ?????? Challenge #2 – No Shows How do we find our No-Show Students ??????
Solution #2 – Finding No Shows Check ISIS for dual-enrolled students Call schools to ensure student is attending Students should have valid intra-district permits to attend non-resident LAUSD school Check your local charter and private schools Take your no-show list to the school Use Blackboard Connect to send messages to missing students Mail no-show letters Home visits are the last solution
Best Practices Preventing & Clearing No-Shows Start looking for no-shows as soon as possible When students are located – CONFIRM they are not just enrolled, but ATTENDING Or….they will appear on YOUR dropout list! Get signed Parent Assurance Letters Follow all the steps to clear students in SIS (old year and new year)
Where to Find Help Finding No-Shows Find students dually enrolled in LAUSD Login to ISIS → Student → District Enrollment Intra-district Permits StudentPermits.lausd.net for forms and information Find local charter and private schools www.GreatSchools.org → search for school type, zip code and distance Blackboard Connect ISIS homepage → Tools & Resources → Blackboard Connect When logged on to Blackboard Connect, toll-free helpline number is displayed and can be contacted for assistance PupilServices.lausd.net Attendance Policy and Procedures Manual Appendix L-2 “No-Show Strategies”
Where to Find ISIS Help ISIS Homepage → Tools & Resources
→ Attendance and Enrollment → Secondary Schools
Who is on my Dropout List? and How can I clear them? Challenge #3 - Dropouts Who is on my Dropout List? and How can I clear them?
Solution #3 – Who are They? Students On your Potential Dropout List : Completed the 2011-12 school year, but did not begin attending the next grade (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12). Were enrolled in grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 during the current school year, but left prior to the completing the school year. Students reported transferring to another CA public school, but are not found enrolled in another CA public school. Students who are checked out as “L-8 - whereabouts unknown” and are not found and accounted for
Best Practices – Prevent Dropouts Monitor attendance of students to prevent dropout during school year Establish clear checkout protocol/procedures Use the Parent Assurance Letter to increase compliance and have a record These students may still appear on dropout list Do not check out OT students without ensuring that they enroll in recommended school Ensure your suspended students return to school Review the dropout lists that are available in September, January and May
Where to Find Help Clearing Dropouts MEM – 5839, “Grade 12 Students and Potential Dropouts List Verification” 9/4/12 Verify the completion status of 2011-12 grade 12 students and make corrections in SIS as needed by Oct. 3rd Confirm the accuracy of grade level designation of all 2012-13 grade 12 students Verify the 2011-12 Potential Dropouts List No Show and Leaver students will be reported as dropouts if they are still not enrolled in any school by October 3rd
Where to Find Help Recovering and Clearing Dropouts BUL-3720, “Dropout Prevention, Intervention, and Recovery Strategies”, May 23, 2007 Attendance Policy and Procedures Manual → Appendix R-1, “Potential Dropout List Protocol”
District Attendance Data Extracted from MyData and ISIS July – August, 2012
Educational Service Centers Attendance Submittal and Attendance Rates August 2012 August Period Attendance Submission Rate Number of Classes/Periods Attendance Not Submitted August Monthly Attendance Rate ESC North 93.27% 14,920 97.90% ESC South 94.47% 9,257 97.60% ESC East 94.20% 7,273 ESC West 91.00% 10,752 97.70% ESC XP 89.23% 24,480 97.30% Monthly Attendance Data through August 31, 2012 Submission Rate from August 1 - 31, 2012
District-Wide Monthly Attendance Monthly Data through August 31, 2012
Educational Service Centers Cumulative Attendance July – August 2012 Data Cumulative through August 31, 2012
96% or Higher Attendance by ESC July – August 2012 ESC Name % of Students 96-100% # of Students with 96-100% Number Enrolled ESC North 83.52% 122,932 157,111 ESC South 81.41% 94,025 122,556 ESC East 82.85% 79,459 101,193 ESC West 81.46% 63,452 82,113 ESC XP 81.12% 71,210 94,135 Attendance Goal: 100%. Annual Target (2012-13): 71% of students attending at 96% or higher Data Cumulative through September 7, 2012
96% or Higher Attendance Rate by Grade July - August 2012 % of Students 96-100% # of Students with 96-100% Number Enrolled Transitional Kindergarten 69.63% 2,318 3,329 Kindergarten 72.82% 32,726 44,941 Grade 1 75.06% 36,143 48,154 Grade 2 77.53% 35,997 46,430 Grade 3 78.65% 35,789 45,504 Grade 4 79.24% 35,655 44,998 Grade 5 79.75% 34,918 43,784 Grade 6 81.74% 33,573 41,074 Ungraded Sp Ed (ES) 62.32% 7,104 11,399 Grade 7 79.82% 33,165 41,550 Grade 8 80.26% 33,405 41,621 Grade 9 77.68% 36,441 46,910 Grade 10 75.32% 31,318 41,582 Grade 11 77.66% 27,563 35,491 Grade 12 77.93% 24,811 31,837 Debra Duardo, Pupil Services Director Attendance Goal: 100%. Annual Target (2012-13): 71% of students attending at 96% or higher Data Cumulative through September 29, 2011
District-Wide August Full Day Absence Counts Week of Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Weekly Totals August 1-3 - 745 680 783 2,208 August 6-10 399 281 264 272 313 1,529 August 13-17 391 6,402 6,886 8,974 12,442 35,095 August 20-24 12,628 12,022 11,692 10,290 16,768 63,400 August 27-31 19,249 15,313 14,633 14,882 64,077 Totals 32,667 34,018 34,220 35,098 30,306 166,309 Estimated Revenue Loss = $5,210,461 Full Day Absences multiplied by $31.33/day Data through August 31, 2012
Staying on Top of Your Attendance (Hint: Attendance Plans and Action Plans due Oct. 1st ) Attendance Policy and Procedures Manual → Appendix B-1 - Master Calendar Activities to do all year and during Month 1, 2, etc. Reports and tools to support these activities ISIS Detailed Attendance Task List → ISIS Home Page → Tools & Resources → Attendance and Enrollment → Elementary or Secondary → Excerpts from Handbook → Detailed Attendance Task List Designate specific personnel to be responsible for each item on these lists Have back-up plans in case of staff absences
Hang in There
We have your back, but not like this…
ISIC Pupil Services and Attendance 213-241-0101