Welcome to homeroom! Your student has homeroom with me once a week. Our homeroom motto: Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go. Curriculum Night 9 th Grade Mrs. Clouse
Welcome to 9 th Grade Literature & Composition!
To be sure you know what your students are doing in 9 th Lit/Comp and address any questions or concerns. Objectives
We are currently studying biographies and reading Walt Disney – An American Original. We have been reading aloud as a class as well as independent reading! The students also chose a famous person to research and wrote a 2-page biography on that person. Next, we will be reading Ender’s Game as well as watching the movie. The students will be comparing the book to the film. We will be discussing moral decision making. The plan for the rest of the year is in my syllabus. Speeches/presentations are also being done throughout the year to help get them ready for their senior projects and public speaking in general (confidence builder too!) Also, the best way to reach me is via Quick Information
It my syllabus, it states that I DO NOT accept late work. However, it is important to me that my students succeed. Starting this week, a new policy will be in place. If the assignment is turned in 1 school day late – the highest grade they can receive is an 85. If it is 2 school days late – the highest grade is a 70. If it is 3 days late or more, it is an automatic 50. Issuing weekly newsletters via . Please check ASPEN often to see what your student is missing in their classes. NHI = not handed in. Utilize school resources and communication. Late Work
Exit Ticket : Please write a quick note of encouragement to your student ! Please put their first and last name and period. Place it in their period bin (located on the bookshelf) when leaving. Thank you!