When it was started & the founder. 5 th century Siddhartha Gautama
Origin India Holy book Tipitaka
Place of worship Vihara
Major Beliefs Reincarnation, Four Noble Truths, Three trainings, Five precepts, 8 fold path Deity- No Ultimate goal- enlightenment
How was the religion originally practiced? What were some of the key beliefs that can be traced to original scriptures and texts? The four major beliefs are reincarnation, The Four Nobel truths, three trainings, Five precepts and 8 fold path. Was there more than one turning point for the major religion? If so, what were some key events? His promise to take birth in the human realm, Queen Maya’s Dream, Birth of the Buddha, etc.
Explain how the religion spread over time, and include a map illustrating the spread. “A rising class of Indian Merchants found Buddhism attractive, especially with its messages of non-violence, honesty and non- stealing, and spread it along the trade routes. How does the religion stand now (population, location, etc.) 350mill 6% of the worlds population.