Zen Buddhism/Tibet Buddhism By: Austin Spurry
Buddhism Buddhism is a religion. The goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment witch is called Nirvana. The way to reach Nirvana is to flow the eightfold path.
Buddhism Zen Buddhism Tibet Buddhism In 18th-century Japan, there were perhaps hundreds of schools of truth within Buddhism. Zen and the various so-called Amida Pureland sects held that single invocations of religious formulaic chants were sufficient for salvation. Perhaps 70 to 80 percent of those who professed to be Buddhists at the time were adherents of Pureland Buddhism. The religions of 18th-century Japan were somewhat chaotically fused together, without ever really losing their individual characteristics Has the Dali Lama to flow In 1954, he went to Beijing for peace talks with Mao Zedong and other Chinese leaders, including Deng Xiaoping and Chou Enlai. But finally, in 1959, with the brutal suppression of the Tibetan national uprising in Lhasa by Chinese troops, His Holiness was forced to escape into exile. Since then he has been living in Dharamsala, northern India, the seat of the Tibetan political administration in exile. Since the Chinese invasion, His Holiness has appealed to the United Nations on the question of Tibet.
Tibet Buddhism The Dali lama was given this village called Donsawla. After the Chinese occupied his home land in Tibet 46 years ago. The flags are ment to bring harmony good fortune. The monks spin wheels for pars hopping they pars are hared. The Dali lama is a very charming and charismatic leader.
Zen Buddhism The second development of major significance to the religious world of japan was the founder of Zen Buddhism. Zen teaching reached China from India in the sixth century. It was known in Japan during the Nara period. Zen did not flourish until the monk Eisai founded the Rinzai school of Zen in 1191. Was a Tendai priest who first studied Buddhism in the monasteries on Mount Hiei.
Tibet Buddhism He is to be said the 14th reincarnation the heavenly daitty of compaction and wisdom. About 14 million Buddus believe he is a living god. People refer to him in deep respect as his holiness. The Dali Lama does not refer to himself as a god but as a teacher. The Dali lama is 70 years old
Zen Buddhism Indian teacher Bobhidharma in the sixth century. Dogen ( 1200-1253), established a second school of Zen which he named the Soto sect. The Zen school of Buddhism, sometimes called the “ school of Buddha’s mind,” is entirely different from any of the other schools to be found in Japan. And personal effort to understand the meaning of the universe have no place in Zen.
Tibet Buddhism Every year the Dali lama presides over two weeks of teaching about Buddhism. The dali lama is would formost scallor and is very complex faith. Buddies do not believe in god at lest not as the way Christine’s do But they do believe in some kind of heaven. Buddus believe in 6 type of heaven and 6 type’s of hell. The Buddus look at heaven as a happy wonderful place very peaceful. But that is were Christine’s and Buddus disagree on what they think of heaven. Buddus believe that after we die we are born again, again and a again.
Zen Buddhism There is there fore no dependence on scriptures sacred writing, or sermons the “ truth” of Zen must be transmitted through spiritual telepathy. Which his mind becomes a holy vacancy he absorbs the universe into himself. Only then can he transcend the vicissitudes of life, detach himself concern for personal gain or pleasure. Self-intoxication are characteristic of Zen.
Tibet Buddhism They think the better you are in your next life that better you will be in the life to come. If you are a bad person you come back as an animal. If you are a good person you could come back as a very good person. The 14th was born in a cow shed and was found by a search party of monks He was born right after the last dali lama died. After passing the batorey of test 3 year old Tenzin Gyatso was porclamed to be the reincarnated Dali lama.
Zen Buddhism Zen monks introduced form China the teachings of Shushi a Chinese Confucian philosopher of the twelfth century, which, in the seventeenth century, became the foundation of Bushido, “ the way of the warrior”. In the seventeenth century, a new branch of Zen called the Obaku Sect was introduced from China. Zen Contributed mach to the architecture, literature, painting, manners, dramas, and dancing of Japan.
Tibet Buddhism Tenzin and his family move to the patal palis in lasa, tabets capautal city. Buddus believe in heaven but they call it nervana. A state of all knowing contentment. The Dali lama is not in lighted. If he was in lighted he would remmber every thing. Before the dali lama of today no other has ventured out side of tabetan.
Zen Buddhism Today Zen has nearly 9,000,000 followers and is a powerful force in Japanese religious life.
Zen Buddhism Obaku sect. Obaku is a small scet which falls under the category of Zen Buddhism but which, in its teachings and practices, has elements foreign to the other schools of Zen. Obaku was founded by a Chinese priest named Ingen (1592-1673). It is unique among the Zen sects also in that it uses the works of its founder, Ingen. It stresses the immanence of the Buddha Amida in the human mind. It is a scholarly scet and has contributed much in the way of research in Chinese classics. It has 516 temples, 837 priests, and 117,224 adherents. Bunce, William .K. Religion in Japan, “ Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity. Copy right in Tokyo-Japan 1955.
Tibet Buddhism Becoming a simble of nonvilens of simble of confession. In 2003 65,000 people in backed in to sentral park to here his message of compation. The perpiss of life is to be happy. The Dali lama think at looking at the world today that we are closer to heaven then to hell.
Zen Buddhism Soto Sect. is the most active and influential branch of Zen Buddhism. It is constantly engaged in social welfare work. Development of enlightenment and employs book learning as an aid to silent meditation. The headquarters of this sect is in Tokyo and it owns 14,895 temples, has 31,084 priests, and claims 6,408,622 adherents.
Internet/Book Research Sources You-Tube. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Interview with Diane Sawyer, ABC World News. ABC 20 April,2007 Book. Bunce, William .K. Religion in Japan, “ Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity. Copy right in Tokyo-Japan 1955. Online. The Dalai Lama Trust 241 East 32nd Street New York, NY 10016 U.S.A. Organization of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Online date base. Salisbury, Joyce E. and Peter Seelig. "Religious Beliefs in Japan: 17th and 18th Centuries." Daily Life through History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.