ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, GCI Presentation Joost van Bemmelen, ESA
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, GEO = Group on Earth Observation GEOSS = Global Earth Observation System of Systems GCI = GEOSS Common Infrastructure DSP = Data Sharing Principles GWP = GEO Web Portal CL = Clearinghouse CSR = Component and Service Registry CP = Component Provider Definitions/Glossary
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, Related links GEO-website: GEO-portal: GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan: Implementation Plan.pdf Implementation Plan.pdf GEO Work plan : plan/geo_wp0911_rev2_ pdfhttp:// plan/geo_wp0911_rev2_ pdf Implementation Guidelines for the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles: Guidelines for the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles Rev2.pdf Guidelines for the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles Rev2.pdf Concept of Operations Document: of Operations Document GEOSS Common Infrastructure.pdf of Operations Document GEOSS Common Infrastructure.pdf
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, Represents a COLOSSAL investment by GEO Members & PO in EO systems Delivers major societal benefits to USERS, such as policy makers & citizens Enables GEOSS resources to be readily discovered and accessed Provides improved interoperability Delivers trusted data & information Is "Open”, in accordance with DSP GCI Operational View
GEOSS Common Infrastructure provides …a place where GEOSS-affiliated resources can be identified, found, and applied directly, or in support of one or more Societal Benefit Areas.
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, GCI operational interaction diagram
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, GEOSS Common Infrastructure GEO Web Portal Single access point to GEOSS related information and services. GEOSS Clearinghouse allows to search metadata, services, documents, ontologies, coordinate reference systems, and other resource types nominated within GEOSS via several interfaces with catalogues, databases, etc. –Searchable via API from external clients such as the GEO Web Portal through a standard interface (OGC CSW 2.0.2) Components and Services Registry to register GEOSS resources of interest that will be then accessible through the GEOportal (e.g. via the Clearinghouse). Standards and Interoperability registry to configure systems so they can share information with other systems. A vital element to the ability of GEOSS to function as a true system of systems and provide integrated and cross-cutting information and services. Best Practices Wiki provides the GEOSS community with a means to propose, discuss and converge upon best practices in all fields of earth observation
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, Current GCI Contributors GEO Web Portal: ESA/FAO GEOSS Clearinghouse: USGS Components and Services Registry: USGS/George Mason University Standards and Interoperability Registry: IEEE Best Practices Wiki: IEEE
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, GEO Web Portal
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, Gateway to Global EO data, information and services that are of interest to the GEOSS user community. –Developed by ESA in collaboration with FAO (both GEO PO). –Part of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure. Supports all the 9 SBAs and benefits of ESA and FAO experience in the relevant fields of application (e.g. Disasters, Climate, Agriculture, etc..). Operational and available at the link: Operations started in November 2007 (GEO IV). Based on Open Source components, it can be freely installed and configured at GEO members’ premises (e.g. to create an SBA Portal). ESA/FAO GEO Portal
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, GCI Current Status
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, Current GCI Status GCI implementation & operations ruled by GCI Consolidated Requirements 12 March 2009 [GCI REQ] Subset of GCI tested against [GCI REQ] ( 1 st half 2010): –Usability & Functional Testing of Web Portals (GWPs), Clearinghouses (CLs) and Component & Service Registry (CSR) Test reports and several hours of videos available –Single GWP and single CL selected
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, GEOSS Midterm Evaluation GEOSS represents an important new Earth observation community and network. GEOSS has raised visibility of the importance and need for integrated global Earth observations. : GEOSS implementation has created a path to enable full and open data sharing and lowered discussion barriers. : Stakeholders perceive that architecture developed by GEO does not yet meet their needs for data, information, and tools. :
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, Basis for GCI Improvements
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, GCI Improvements Since GCI testing, additional ideas for potential improvements/GCI upgrade coming from ADC & GCI members –New Architecture and Data Strategies –AIP process / transferring outcomes and results to GCI operations –GEOSS Data Sharing Principles needs for additional information on data quality, data access / policy information, user registration, data tagging, etc.. –Way forward on QA4EO, Long Term Data Preservation –Potential new GCI Components suggested during 2 nd GEO Interop WS (Tubitak) e.g. Interop Service Brokers
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, AIP-2/3? Augmenting GCI GEOSS Clearinghouse GEO Web Portal GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components & Services Standards and Interoperability Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registries Main GEO Web Site Registered Community Resources Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Business Process Tier Community Catalogues Alert Servers Workflow Managemen t Processing Servers Access Tier GEONETCast Product Access Servers Sensor Web Servers Model Access Servers Test Facility Mediation Servers
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, Sources for GCI-extensions Requirements from SBAs and task-teams Consolidated GCI requirements document GEOSS data sharing action plan –Still to be endorsed at plenary – Nov –E.g., req. on data quality, data access conditions, etc. Usability and functional testing reports Strategic target for architecture and data management New architecture and data strategies GEO Web portal improvements
ENV proposal meeting, Geneva, Sep. 24, Main focus of/ideas for the proposal (GCI-centralised) – open to discussion Improving discovery, access and use of metadata, data, services and products with a focus on multi- disciplinary interoperability Aspects: Improving representation of data Use of ontologies, standards, etc. Processing / support to development and integration of algorithms Visualisation