© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues0 Title:Evolution Architecture Reference Model Abstract:This contribution proposes a new architectural network element called an Access Independent IP Gateway. Source: Brent Hirschman, Sprint Nextel – Takatsugo Kito, KDDI – Khai Nguyen, Bell Mobility – Sebastian Thalanany, U. S. Cellular - Date:October 30, 2006 Recommendation:Review and adopt proposal for AIIG. Notice Sprint Nextel grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organization Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner’s name any Organizational Partner’s standards publication even though it may include portions of the contribution; and at the Organization Partner’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contributions or the resulting Organizational Partner’s standards publication. Sprint Nextel is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution.This document has been prepared by the contributor to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on the contributor. Sprint Nextel specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with respect to any intellectual property of the contributor other than provided in the copyright statement above.
Access Independent IP Gateway (AIIG) Proposal
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues2 Need for Access Independent Gateway proposal >Need to preserve progress made RRM to PDSN interface has been developed and maintained as Open New vendors have entered market to provide function >Desirable Goals of new architecture Plug and Play components in new RANs – multi-vendor competition Opportunity for new RAN vendors to enter market Opportunity for new IP gateway vendors to enter market Reduced CAPEX and OPEX for network components >Larger scope of multiple access technologies needs to be considered >Evolution path needs to be identified
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues3 Advantages of New Architecture >Simplification of RAN – this is also a product of new access technologies >CAPEX and OPEX reduction Plug and Play RAN – Multiple vendors and open interfaces drive down CAPEX Need to take care - grouping of functions can have an impact on OPEX as well >IP-Based Protocols Maximize backhaul capacities CAPEX savings on IP-like network elements Don’t always have to develop specific solutions to network problems Common functions can be used across multiple access technologies
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues4 Current Reference Architecture Open Interface Interface Not Implemented Interface Undefined
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues5 Issues with current proposals from other companies >Need to be careful of pushing functionality too close to edge of network Too much functionality at edge drives up cost of RAN components OPEX can grow - managing 50,000+ network nodes OPEX can grow - mixing radio and IP technology into same network node Physical and operational security can be reduced >Losing existing defined interfaces RRM to PDSN needs to be a standard interface – it is proposed to use the aspects of the existing interface as a starting point: –Separation of bearer and signaling –IP based (GRE tunnel) –AIIG/PDSN as anchor point for mobility among CAPs – perhaps IP mobility instead of cdma2000 specific. –New functions supported – paging, location management Access Gateways for multiple access technologies need to be common –Common Layer 3 protocol functions need only be done once and reused across technologies. –Tying RRM into gateways makes them access technology specific and not reusable for other technologies.
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues6 Proposal from Sprint Core IP network AT 3GPP2 Specific Nodes Operator IP Network NMA User Data/ Signaling DHCP Server CAP:Controlling Access Point AAA HA PCRF AF 3GPP2Operator IP Network PCRF:Policy and Charging Rules Function AF:Application Function TF CAP TF CAP TF:Transceiver Function AIIG AIIG:Access Independent IP Gateway Core IP network AT 3GPP2 Specific Nodes Operator IP Network User Data/ Signaling DHCP Server CAP:Controlling Access Point AAA HA PCRF AF 3GPP2Operator IP Network PCRF:Policy and Charging Rules Function AF:Application Function TF CAP TF CAP TF:Transceiver Function AIIG AIIG:Access Independent IP Gateway
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues7 Sprint Proposal Starting from Existing Open Interface CAP RRM Transceiver Function AIIG Potential Open Interface?
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues8 Sprint proposal for new architecture >Design for open interfaces at appropriate points in the network Enable plug and play RAN by having open interface to RAN (including RRM) so new technologies can be plugged in and new vendors can be plugged in to the common Access gateway. Let RAN vendors do what they do best and let IP vendors do what they do best. Keep network manageable and support multiple vendors Keep doors open for new vendors Manage evolution of backhaul topology – “branch and leaf” where needed >Create network edge nodes that are multi-purpose – Access Independent IP Gateways Keep standard interfaces to different access technologies Build common platform for common IP functions Enable multiple technology support on the same platform –Reuse of functionality –Facilitate inter-technology handoffs –Avoid forklift of gateway at access technology end-of-life
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues9 Sprint Proposed Edge Functional Element - Access Independent IP Gateway AIIG – Access Independent IP Gateway. This function is the Layer 3 terminating point for all bearer and signaling traffic entering the Core IP Network. It also supports the following functions: AAA client NAS (Network Access Server) device IDS (Intrusion Detection System) access point Hot-lining device Prepaid client Foreign Agent (FA) for MIPv4 Network Mobility Agent for localized network mobility (NMA) QoS enforcement point Policy enforcement point NFCC (Network Firewall Configuration and Control) packet filter
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues10 Lower Layer Termination Functionalities - Specific to an Access Technology At first, there will be access specific functionalities that are also supported by the AIIG. Over time, it is planned, such functionalities will become more access independent. IP Layer 2 termination (first hop router) Paging and location– In a pure IP mobile network a paging controller function to locate mobiles when idle will be needed. Idle Mode Termination – Some State information about the MS needs to be maintained by the network while the MS is in idle mode.
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues11 Access Independent IP Gateway Layer 3 Common Functions FA/NMA NAS device AAA Client QoS EP Policy EP NFCC Packet Filter Prepaid Client Hot-lining device IDS/IPS Access Point Lower Layer Termination Point Support for specific Access Technology AIIG IP Core Network Various Access Network Technologies
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues12 Common Functions QoS EPPolicy EP AAA ClientPrepaid Client LLT (GTP) Access A LLT (e.g., PPP) Access B LLT Access A LLT (IP-Sec) Access A RNCSGSN BTS BS IP Core Network Security Gateway Firewall IDS/IPS AAA HA AIIG => GGSN GTP Example of Access Independent IP Gateway for WCDMA
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues13 Common Functions FA/NMA QoS EP NFCC Pkt Filter AAA Client Policy EP Prepaid Client NAS Dev. Hot-lining device LLT Access A LLT (e.g., PPP) Access B LLT Access A LLT (IP-Sec) Access A RNCSGSN BTS BS IP Core Network Security Gateway Firewall IDS/IPS AAA HA AIIG =>PDSN Example of Access Independent IP Gateway for cdma2000
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues14 Common Functions FA QoS EP Policy EP AAA Client Prepaid Client NAS device LLT Access A LLT (e.g., PPP) Access B LLT Access A LLT (IP-Sec) Access A RNCSGSN BTS BS IP Core Network Security Gateway Firewall IDS/IPS AAA HA AIIG => ASN-GW R4 Example of Access Independent IP Gateway for WiMAX
© 2006 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.Operator Discussion Issues15 Common Functions NAS device FA Other functions as needed LLT Access A LLT (e.g., PPP) Access B LLT Access A LLT (IP-Sec) Access A RNCSGSN BTS BS IP Core Network Security Gateway Firewall IDS/IPS AAA HA AIIG => PDIF IP Example of Access Independent IP Gateway for WLAN