Master’s diploma paper GENDER STEREOTYPES OF WOMEN’S SPEECH BEHAVIOR IN ENGLISH MEDIA DISCOURSE: PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION Written by: Student of ПР-09-4М group Scientific supervisor: Zhylina O.E. PhD, Associate Professor Zinukova N.V.
The topicality The topicality of the research is predetermined by the fact that gender stereotypes in speech are constantly changing due to the society development. In particular, the role of woman is changing as women are becoming full members of society equally with men. In this view, new words are appearing and other words are transforming. Moreover, new stereotypes are being formed by the mass media influencing consciousness of society. Thus, there is a need of looking for new ways of rendering gender phenomena.
The object and subject The objects of the research are gender stereotypes of women’s speech. The subject of the research is stylistic peculiarity of women’s speech in English media discourse and gender-marked lexis in the publicistic texts.
The purpose The purpose of this diploma paper is to ascertain the peculiarities of gender stereotypes in English women’s speech behavior and to determine the most efficient ways of rendering them into Ukrainian.
The first part Gender as a term Gender studies development Gender stereotypes Peculiarities of women’s speech Ways of rendering gender related differences into Ukrainian Media discourse characteristics
The second part Stylistic devices in women’s speech Lexical and phraseological devices Syntactic devices Phonetic devices Coloronims in women’s speech Gender-marked lexis (social induced nominations) Professions
Stylistic devices in women’s speech
Stylistic devices in women’s speech
Examples You just have to keep driving down the road. It's going to bend and curve and you'll speed up and slow down, but the road keeps going. A woman is like a tea bag: you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water. I didn’t start out thinking I’m a comedian. I don’t think I fit that bill. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
Examples If you find yourself gravitating toward bold tones of poppy orange or rhododendron pink, she suggests going for a textured matte lipstick instead. From fresh mint to slate gray to cherry red, we've rounded up the top spring nail colors to give you some inspiration. I also loved Effie’s party look, with the pink and the wig, and the lavender dress.
Gender-marked lexis (social induced nominations)
Examples He concludes that the typical fetching Nordic lady doesn’t need a man “because the government will take care of her and her cats, whether she is successful at dating or not”. Only two incidents over a 40-year career: what a tribute to Miss Rippon’s formidable persona. “I was never a dolly bird,” she says. Dame Fiona Caldicott, chairwoman of the Independent Information Governance Oversight Panel (IIGOP), told the BBC that "there was too much hurry“. The first occurred as our camerawoman, Maxine, was making some last-minute adjustments to the lighting.
The third part Ways of rendering stylistic devices Retaining Compensation Replacement Ways of rendering gender-marked lexis Equivalents Analogs Descriptive translation
Ways of rendering stylistic devices
Examples The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Майбутнє належить тим, хто вірить у вроду своїх мрій. A woman is like a tea bag: you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water. Жінка як кава, ніколи не знаєш, наскільки вона міцна, поки не завариш її. I stay in tune with my family and God. Я прислухаюся до своєї сім’ї та Бога.
Ways of rendering gender-marked lexis
Examples I don't think I could live without hair, makeup and styling, let alone be the performer I am. I am a glamour girl through and through. I believe in the glamorous life and I live one. Я не думаю, що могла б жити без зачіски, макіяжу та мого стилю, якщо хтось і є справжнім артистом, то це я. Я гламурна дівчина до кінчиків нігтів. Я вірю в гламурне життя та я їм живу. The media just wants to pit girls against each other,” Hudson says of rumors that she called Michele a “nightmare” to work with and a «total diva». «Все чого прагнуть журналісти – це посварити дівчат», пояснює Хадсон чутки про те, що вона назвала Мішель «відьмою», яка працює зі «справжньою королевою». How do you become the iconic bombshell of this generation? If you're Kate Upton, enviable curves are only the start. Як стати найвідомішою красунею покоління? Якщо Ви Кейт Аптон, знайте, заздрість інших - це тільки початок.
Conclusion All in all in this research we have found out that the stylistic peculiarities of English women’s speech in media discourse should be retained or compensated. As to the gender-marked lexis, though there are lots of equivalents and analogs in Ukrainian, they are not enough to render all the lexis that appear every day due to the society development and woman’s role in it. The findings of the given diploma paper will contribute to the further investigation of gender stereotypes in the media discourse.
Thank you for your attention!