Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Telemedicine System for Image State Research Center of Biotechnology “Gradient” Logo/Photo of your research organization Key words: Telecommunication, Images, wireless, translation Vasiliy Ivanov (1-2 minutes description of your Institute and scientific team)
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Vasiliy Ivanov Date of Birth Education Theme of Diploma Work, PhD theses Scientific interests Current work (Your short scientific CV – 1-2 slides, 2 minutes)
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Telemedicine System for Image Defining a Task: Short description of current situation and problems in this scientific field Abstract of Project: (Introduction – 1-2 slides, 2-3 minutes)
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Telemedicine System for Image Project target: To develop consumption Telemedicine System for Image for PC Expected results: this system will allow to communicate with high speed, wherever you are Research objective Key technologies, methods and equipment Know-how - Speech Recognition Algorithm Power Macintosh computers Originality of Idea Output: Program product on CD-ROM (2 slides, 2-3 minutes)
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Detailed Technology Description Technology optimized for Apple computers We are implementing it for PC Unique interface On-line support Low resource consumption (5 or more slides, 10 minutes)
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Application Areas Internet Assistant Self-organized communities Cross-language translation Software learning agents On-line data clustering Photo/Image/ Graphic… Photo/Image/ Graphic…
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Already Accomplished Tasks Speech recognition algorithm developed by “TWR” group, is used in the project The project based on power Macintosh computers Programming languages: C++, Borland Delphy The main idea based on the speech recognition algorithm, and new approach to telemedicine we will develop our product (1-2 slides, 2 minutes)
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Experimental Samples Description The turning looks as the following. First, you mast chose the signs for the pattern classification, i.e. determine the phase space for patterns to be recognized. Current program version based on 18 built-in and 1 customized signs for each image channel. (no limits in number of slides, optional) Photo/Image/ Graphic…
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Advantages of your Software / Algorithms /Program/… comparing to Competitors … (1 slide) Photo/Image/ Graphic…
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Your personal contribution to the project Your role Tasks you fulfilled Responsibilities (very important slide!, 2 minutes)
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Scientific Plans Implementing technology for PC Reduce resource consumption Photo/Image/ Graphic…
Samsung Young Scientist Day April 26-27, 2004 Conclusion Main advantages comparing to competitors: Working language processor Working speech recognition system Goals: To make low consumption Telemedicine System for Image for PC