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Troubleshooting & Questions
Verbatim Download verbatim It basically installs itself It has an awesome manual
Installing & Troubleshooting
Why use Verbatim in PF? Set up documents Logical headings Easy organization Highlight important portions of articles Created easily edit-able blocks **LFD Example Doc
Verbatim Formating & Tricks
Verbatim Formatting
What should I use it for? It can time – but you should use a real timer It can send to speech doc – but most of you print your files It can send things to its wiki, or create card cites, or go into markup mode, and do other things you’ll probably never use So what?
What should I use it for? Verbatim is a powerful template for file formatting and processing Automatically converts to the way verbatim looks on your computer for consistency Clearly designates various headings for use in expandos/folders Speeds up the formatting process by infinity Easily cycle through file headings and manage work space
Benefits of Paperless Never lose a file Adaptability Searchability Logistical distribution
Sloth Break
Using the Template
Additional Resources “2014 ENDI - Paperless Debate with Verbatim 5” Learn about the template from the guy who streams debates HE HE “SDI PC Paperless Lecture – Hardy” Learn about the template from the guy who made it 5/start.aspx#/ 5/start.aspx#/ Download the verbatim manual