Working Together To Protect Public Health: The Public Health Communications Infrastructure May 23, 2006 Janet B. Stevens Director, Management Controls Technology Staff Marcelo Olascoaga Chief Information Officer, OCIO
FSIS Vision Protecting public health through food safety and food defense.
What Does the Vision Mean for Agency Data and Communications Systems? Control data and information access and reporting Create a single source of the data and information to ensure reliability and traceability Provide our stakeholders with the data and information necessary to protect public health Ensure that our data and information are available when needed
What Does the Vision Mean for Agency Data and Communications Systems? Target Agency resources to manage the data and information to support a more robust risk-based system Secure the data to only those staff and stakeholders who should have access to it Use leading business intelligence technology to allow for more predictive, rather than reactive, analysis enabling us to anticipate risks and better target resources to prevent and mitigate risk
Business Intelligence Tools Will Help Us Monitor Performance Measures in Near Real Time
Business Intelligence Tools Will Help Us Monitor Status and Trends More Efficiently and Effectively
Business needs drive technology decisions. Web Services Strategic Planning Management Controls Performance Measures Enterprise Architecture Data Warehouse Risk-Based Inspection Food and Agriculture Bio-Surveillance Integration System (FABIS) How do we get there?
Presentation Services Data Services Enterprise Vision Business Services Risk Based System Business Intelligence Database Corporate Reference Database Consolidated Transaction Database FSIS Personnel Regulated Industry Government Agencies FDA, CDC, HHS, DoD, etc. Citizens Inspection/ Enforcement Labs Technical Guidance & Education Risk /Threat Management Monitoring/ Surveillance MIS Systems Human Resources, Financials, Management Controls, Budgeting, Time Sheet, Expenses etc. Aligns with: OMB’s vision President’s Management Agenda USDA’s Shared Services Initiative Information any place, any time Integrated Business Services Collect Assess Respond Public Health Communications Infrastructure
3. Review and Determination by Management Council FSIS Enterprise Architecture Governance Process 2. Idea Presented and Proposed to Management Council 6. CPIC Process 5. EAWG Process 9. Project (Idea) Launched 4. Program Manager & Project Manager Assigned 7) e.g. RBI Systems Becomes #1 in Portfolio Strategic Management CPIC Process 1. New Idea Developed 7. Management Council Finalizes Portfolio 8. External Review by Department, OMB, and Congress for Budget Approval
Application Consolidation Consolidate AIIS Reader M2K Reader eADRS Reader PBIS Reader Proclarity DAR Data Warehouse Reporting Web Portal Disaster Recovery
Protecting public health means getting the right information to the right people at the right time.
How you can help.
Discussion To build on earlier committee discussions about the need for public health data and the Agency’s use of such data, we request feedback from the committee on the following questions: What types of public health data and information will help us make critical risk-based decisions? For example, how can business intelligence technology (applications that can access multiple databases to create near real-time reporting and trending reports) provide more predictive analysis for FSIS to better manage food safety and food defense risks? If you currently use or are aware of such business intelligence technology, what do you recommend to FSIS based on your experience or knowledge of the technology? How are you using business intelligence technology to better manage or communicate food safety and food defense risks internally? Deadline for feedback: June 30, 2006
Questions ?
Thank You !