Establishing boundaries where there appear to be none
Social Networking Statistics More than 1 out of every 10 teenager has posted a nude or seminude picture of themselves or others online. 25% of all teenagers report having posted something they later regretted, made fun of others or created a false identity online. 22% of all teenagers report checking their social networking accounts at least ten times per day.
o Friends o “Facebook Friends” o Family o Teachers o Prospective employers o Scholarship distribution committees o Sexual predators
Social Networking Dangers Students are getting in trouble with school administrators for incriminating and inappropriate information or pictures on their social networking profiles that are violations of school policy or the code of conduct. Students are being turned down by employers for jobs, internships, and interviews. Information posted can be obtained by a third party for solicitation.
What are your current privacy settings? Everyone Friends of Friends Only Friends
Questions to Ask Yourself: How do you feel about your employers seeing what you have posted? How about your parents or grandparents? Have you posted anything embarrassing that you wouldn’t want someone to see? Have you posted private information, including your cell phone number, home address, class schedule, social plans, etc? Have you utilized the "Privacy" settings on your networking account?
Think of every picture you have been tagged in…is it appropriate for everyone to see? What happens to that picture after you come to your senses and remove it from your wall? Can you ever be sure it has been removed from everyone’s wall?
You Can’t See Me; I Can’t See You When people use the Internet, they perceive that they are invisible. The perception can be enhanced by creating anonymous accounts. People are not really invisible—online activities can be traced. But if you think you are invisible, this removes concerns about detection, disapproval, or punishment.
“Everybody Does It...” The perception of invisibility and lack of tangible feedback supports risky and irresponsible behaviors that is a “game” “On the Internet, I have the free-speech right to write or post anything I want, regardless of the harm it might cause to another.” Supports harmful speech and cruel behavior as a free-speech right.