Keeping Mothers and Children Safe from Domestic Violence: A Community Working Together February 1, 2013 Center of Excellence for Health Disparities Research Research reported in this presentation was supported by the National Institute On Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P60MD The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
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El Centro Specific Aims Aim 1. Provide leadership and an organizational structure and support system for minority health and health disparities research, training and dissemination. Aim 2. Conduct rigorous research to test the outcome, translation, mechanisms and moderators of culturally-tailored interventions, and advance health disparities research methodologies. Aim 3. Increase the pipeline of well-prepared, culturally-competent and ethically responsible health disparities researchers, especially individuals from minority and other health disparities populations Aim 4. Establish and strengthen academic-community partnerships that promote the utilization of research-based practices to improve the well-being of health disparities communities and to conduct original and innovative research leading to improvements in minority health and the elimination of health disparities.
Objectives 1.Discuss domestic violence health disparities, with a focus on mothers and children 2.Describe important characteristics of community- academic research partnerships to address domestic violence 3.Identify the key ingredients to the Domestic Violence Enhanced Home Visitation Program (DOVE) 4.Engage in a dialogue regarding opportunities to form partnerships across the community to address domestic violence in a comprehensive, culturally informed and evidenced-based manner.
Speakers Keynote Speaker: Phyllis Sharps, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN Professor and Associate Dean Community and Global Programs, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Panelists: Ms. Thelma Gibson, BSN, RN Founder of the Thelma Gibson Initiative Ms. Ivon Mesa, MPA Director of the Coordinated Victim Assistance Center, Community Action and Human Services Department Ms. Priscilla Dames, MS Chairperson MDC Black Affairs Advisory Board; Chairperson, Women’s Business Council, MDC Chamber of Commerce; President & CEO Wingspan Seminars, LLC
AGENDA 10:10 am Keynote Presentation 10:55 am Panelist Comments/Discussion 11:30 amDiscussion with the Audience 11:55 am Closing Remarks
Phyllis W. Sharps
Maternal and Infant Mortality Health Disparities Research: Striving and Thriving Keynote Perinatal Nurse Home Visitation Home Visitation Enhanced with mHealth (DOVE 2)
Thelma Vernell Anderson Gibson
Ivon Mesa
Priscilla B. Dames