Consular Processing Around the World: Words of Wisdom for Business, Family, and Other Rebecca Kitson, Albuquerque, New Mexico Rebecca Massiatte, Dallas, Texas
What we will cover CDJ Update: News from Juarez Visa Office Update: News from the World Consular-Related Issues
CDJ Update: News from Juarez General advice from the consulate: Double-check I-864 issues ASC appointments are through: MX/selfservice/us_service_options MX/selfservice/us_service_options mx/selfservice/ss_country_welcome mx/selfservice/ss_country_welcome Arrival times for appointments Inquiries and communication with the post
CDJ Update: I-601A Processing and Immigrant Visas CDJ officials indicate an average of two weeks’ total processing time for those with I-601A approvals Officials indicate that approvals are now recorded in the system and the information about the approval is available to consular officers A de novo review of admissibility is always conducted Applicants are encouraged to bring their approval notice and additional copies of any criminal records
CDJ Update: DACA Applicants and Consular Processing I-131’s and DACA applicants Anecdotal reports indicate approvals for IV appointments generally Consular reactions to DACA / IV applicants Inadmissibility / unlawful presence bars
CDJ Update: Medical Clinics CDJ has added a 3 rd medical clinic staffed by panel physicians View from practitioners regarding new clinic Persistent issues with medical clinics
Visa Office Update U.K. cautions – when they can be used in determining inadmissibility VO responds regarding the invalidity of Somalian passports and alternative documents H-1B’s in India and the employer- employee relationship
Visa Office Update Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART) policy change implementation Updates on J-1 visas Program sponsors & site inspections DOS commentary on administrative processing and consular review of documents
Consular-Related Issues The post-IV nightmare – paying the IV Fee of $165 online Current state of electronic I-94s and reports of issues
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