Catholic Social Teaching Chapter 2 Catholic Social Teaching
What is Catholic Social Teaching? It is the teachings of the church, plus the call of the popes and bishops, for people to carry on the mission of Jesus in the world.
Catholic Social Teaching “Social Justice” is another way to understand CST.
Catholic Social Teaching Started over 100 years ago following the Industrial Revolution—shift from hand made goods and farming to factory production Overcrowded cities Deplorable work conditions Unfair wages Child Labor Increased pollution from factories Rise of Marxism/Communism/Capitalism
What is an encyclical? Letters written by the Pope to all the bishops of the world and to “all people of good will.”
There are hundreds of encyclicals written since 1891. We will learn about 4.
In 1891, Pope Leo XIII wrote “Rerum Novarum.” It claimed the Church had a right to speak out on unjust social issues. It outlined the duties of workers and employers. It favored unions to protect the working class. It called for just wages.
In 1963, Pope John XXIII wrote “Pacem in Terris”/“Peace on Earth” It was written amid worldwide concern about nuclear war. Anti-racism World peace Disarmament
In 1971, Pope Paul VI wrote “A Call to Action.” Strong plea for Christians not only to pray and do works of charity, but also to work to change the social structures of injustice through political action. Call for care of the environment. Gender , age and race equality.
In 1995, Pope John Paul II wrote “Evangelium Vitae”/ “The Gospel of Life” Warning that society is becoming “a culture of death” ignoring our spirituality and focusing only on our own wants and needs. Abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. Consumerism Calls for “culture of life”
7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching #1 The life and dignity of the human person. All people, without exception, have dignity because they are loved by God and made in His image.
7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching #2 Call to Family, Community and Participation. Rights and Responsibilities of all people to fully participate in society, and not to be marginalized.
7 Themes of CST #3 Rights and Responsibilities 1948—UN document: Universal Declaration of Human Rights which the Church supports. Rights are limited by our responsibility for the welfare of others and the common good of society.
7 Themes of CST #4 Preferential Option for the Poor. Putting the needs of society’s most poor and vulnerable members first among all concerns.
7 Themes of CST #5 The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers. Work is valued because it supports human life and contributes to human dignity. Rights of workers: fair pay, safe workplace, right to employment
7 Themes of CST #6 Solidarity A constant commitment to the common good. A spirit of friendship-- between individuals, groups and nations.
7 Themes of CST #7 Care for God’s Creation Protecting the health of people and the planet