Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Prepositional Phrases
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Phrase A phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and does not contain a verb and its subject
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Prepositional Phrases A prepositional phrase is a group of words beginning with a preposition and ending in a noun or pronoun The noun or pronoun that ends the prepositional phrase is called the object of the preposition Prepositional phrases usually do the work of adjectives and adverbs in sentences.
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Prepositional Phrases Examples –He sat in the desk. In is the preposition Desk is the object of the preposition –She stole money from him. From is the preposition Him is the object of the preposition
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Adjective Phrases A prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun is an adjective phrase.
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Adjective Phrases Example –Irish family---family from Ireland Irish is an adjective modifying family “from Ireland” is a prepositional phrase modifying family –Called an Adjective Phrase
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Adjective Phrases Example –A hopeful sign---a sign of hope Hopeful is an adjective modifying sign “of hope” is a prepositional phrase modifying sign –Called an Adjective Phrase
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Adverb Phrases A prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb is an adverb phrase. Adverb phrases tell when, where, why, how, or to what extent.
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Adverb Phrases Example –He lives above the restaurant. Above the restaurant is the prepositional phrase The phrase modifies the verb lives (where does he live)
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Adverb Phrases Example –Students can leave after the bell. After the bell is the prepositional phrase The phrase modifies the verb can leave (when can they leave)
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Assignment Please rewrite the following sentences. Underline the prepositional phrase. After the sentence please write down the type of phrase it is (adjective or adverb) and the word it modifies.
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Assignment 1.I bought a car for her. 2.He cries for no reason. 3.The bell does not ring after school. 4.The tardy students are those with poor time management. 5.He put the papers in the box.
Geschke--English IV Grammar Unit--Prepositional Phrases Assignment 6. His attitude was the reason for his success. 7. The party lasted long into the night. 8. The dogs without the collars are going to the pound. 9. She walked up the steps. 10. He ran at a quick pace.