THE COMPOUND SENTENCE When two simple sentences have fallen in love, they can spend all of their time together. SS I like blue the most. It is my favorite color, so I like blue the most it is my favorite color.
THE COMPOUND SENTENCE A quick summary: For the two compound sentences we have explored, you need: Two simple sentences A relationship A connection SS Best friends!Forever!, and Or… ;
THE COLON Colons are a lot like your grandparents talking: one is always talking, and the other is always clarifying. SS : I really like to eat bacon. It is so fatty and delicious. I really like to eat bacon: it is so fatty and delicious. My bunions really hurt. They burn like fire. My bunions really hurt: they burn like fire.I used to walk to school: it was ten miles away. I used to walk to school. It was ten miles away.
THE CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB: SENTENCE PATTERN #6 You’ve seen the conjunctive adverb before: accordingly however furthermore therefore moreover likewise still nevertheless finally instead meanwhile also o These are words that connects two independent clauses. o They also show cause and effect, sequence, comparison or contrast relationships.
WHEN SHOULD I USE A CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB? Sometimes a semi-colon is not enough. Maybe you want to show the SPECIFIC relationship between two sentences. Juniors are the best students in the whole school; furthermore, they are very polite. The writer wants to make it very clear that there is WAY MORE to just being the best students; they are also very polite.
THE CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB Here’s how it works at THE BEGINNING of a sentence:, CA SS SVO ++=, Also I love Persian cats. Also = showing a sequence I like Domestic Shorthairs. Also, I love Persian cats.
THE CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB Here’s how it works at THE BEGINNING of a sentence:, CA SS, However I hate black cats. However = showing a comparison I am fond of many different felines. However, I hate black cats.
THE CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB Here’s how it works at THE BEGINNING of a sentence:, CA SS, Therefore I dislike my aunt’s black cat Pookie Bear. Therefore = showing an effect I hate black cats. Therefore, I dislike my aunt’s black cat Pookie Bear.
THE CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB Here’s how it works IN THE MIDDLE of a sentence:, CA SS ; I want 72 cats ; still, my husband won’t let me. SS The conjunctive adverb connects two SS AND It shows the relationship between them
THE CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB Here’s how it works TO COMBINE two simple sentences:, CA SS ; I like math ;, calculus is the best! SS The conjunctive adverb connects two SS AND It shows the relationship between them furthermore
SOME MORE EXAMPLES I was assigned lots of homework today therefore, I will need to do it after practice. ; My sister loves to bug me. Also, she loves to whine a lot. WARNING! Be careful which conjunctive adverbs you choose! My husband is a football player; therefore, he loves baseball. Which conjunctive adverb would be more appropriate here?
WHEN SHOULD I USE A CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB? Use a conjunctive adverb when you want to show a specific type of relationship between two simple sentences. I am a Democrat; therefore, I believe in big government. The relationship between being a Democrat and believing in big government is clearly cause and effect. We only know because there’s a conjunctive adverb!! My students are great people. Similarly, my fellow teachers are great, too. The writer wants to make it very clear that there is a similarity between the two sentences, so a conjunctive adverb is used.
LET’S CHECK OUR KNOWLEDGE What’s wrong with the following sentences? 1. I love to eat ketchup a lot; furthermore; I love it with French fries, and lima beans. 2. Ricky ate a personal pan pizza. Significantly he really wanted a Chipotle burrito. 3. The two dinosaurs agreed on who to eat therefore they high-fived at the brilliance of their decision. 4. Marji and Markus are not a good couple. instead, he cheat on her. 5. Marji could stay homeless in Vienna. Instead, Marji returns home.
THE CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB A little practice for your journal: SSCA SS ; ; ; ,, SS,