Your Strategy: The Battle of Actium
Cape Actium Antony and Cleopatra have set up camp near the low lands of Cape Actium Antony and Cleopatra have set up camp near the low lands of Cape Actium This area is known for Malaria. This area is known for Malaria. –Many of his oarsmen will suffer from this disease. –He has burned many of his ships which have suffered from the disease and are no longer useful to him.
Sept 2nd We will meet Antony’s 230 ships in the open sea We will meet Antony’s 230 ships in the open sea Agrippa will lead us. Agrippa will lead us. We must block the enemy in the straits! We must block the enemy in the straits! ANTONY US
Block them in an arc From N to S
Out Numbered 2 to 1 They will have to stay close together.
Keep the fleet out of range. He will want to drive us back from the north quadrant.
He will be forced to move his ships away from the protection of the shore.
Keep a safe distance until his troops tire. THEN We attack!!
The glory and safety of Rome is up to you. Hail Octavius!
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