GENRE A category or group used to sort or organize something. –Music –Books –Movies –Etc.
Features of Fiction Characters Setting Problem/solution Beginning, Middle, and End Drawings or cartoons
Historical Fiction Most People Think…
But, it’s really all of this and much MORE! Civil Rights Movement The Holocaust Vietnam War
Elements of Historical Fiction Fiction (has to be not true) Based on historical events Authentic (seems like it could be real) settings Characters seem realistic Some characters may be actual people from history, but the story is fictional Artistic mix of fiction and historical fact (has to be a balance, can’t be too much of one or the other)
Suggestions… Civil Rights Movement The Holocaust WAR Disease/E pidemics MiKzBzA
Realistic Fiction can be based on a real story characters act & think like real people character tries to solve a problem story could happen in real life some events can be historically accurate MyHs8G GV0c
Science Fiction Made up of stories that blend fact and fiction with futuristic technology & often in futuristic setting.
Dystopia Definition An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror (Wikipedia).
Elements of DYSTOPIAN Told in the far future Sameness of the society Separation within the society (the haves and the have nots) Someone stands out among the society Good guys aren’t as good as they seem Humans (especially kids) are test subjects Revolution Post War (the world is totally messed up)
Why do we love reading something that is so sad and depressing? Talk to your partner about the answer. 30 seconds!
Answers!!!!!!! Give us a glimpse of how the world may be in the distant future Allows us to think about how we’d survive dire situations (famine, plague, homelessness, etc) Makes us thankful that we live in a place that has order It is soooooo dramatic and action- packed Gives us hope
The Giver Movie Trailer! The Giver
Often thought of as a detective story Usually involves a mysterious death or a crime to be solved Mystery
Inference Gaps-Reader tries to solve the puzzle by connecting the info Suspense-Have to WAIT to see what happens. Foreshadowing-Clues left by the author as to possible outcomes –Watch out for the Red Herring (False Conclusions!) ELEMENTS of a MYSTERY
Fantasy Animal characters may act like people characters may have special powers characters may be imaginary beings setting may be in another time (future) good vs. evil conflict
Examples of Fantasy xMgsppEw
Fairy Tale Once upon a time...and they lived happily ever after. Good character vs. Evil character Royalty and/or a castle usually present Magic happens Problem and a Solution Things often happen in "threes" or "sevens"
Suggestions cGp62ec
Action/Adventure Always expect the worst - the main characters have everything thrown at them. The entire read is a roller coaster ride of chills and excitement with the last stop (and page) not always ending in happiness. There must be a villain! Without one, there is no adventure or suspense.
Suggestions F3R0aU3YYQs