NOx Emission Factors Bravo Robert, terrific progress!! Robert Fowler ME 449: Sustainable Air Quality April 2001
Table of Contents Objective of work Major contributors for NOx emissions Emission factor equations Data sources Summary Recommendations
Objective Show emission inventory calculations Method Web search and EPA manual AP-42 (Make the link here)
Major Contributors to NOx Transportation - gas and diesel vehicles Fuel combustion - power plants Industrial Processes - waste disposal/petroleum refinery (NOX Emissions pie?)
Transportation emission equation Driving factors: Emission factor and vehicle miles traveled Equation for emission factor EF = (BER*OMTCF+OMTTAM)*SALCHF*TF BER - basic emission rate OMTCF - operating mode/temperature correction factor OMTTAM - Tampering offset SALCHF - Speed correction factor TF - Travel fraction To get the emission inventory: EI = EF * VMT
Fuel combustion emission equation Driving factors: emission factor & quantity of fuel consumed Emission factor: Mass of pollutant/mass of fuel (or output) Boilers - lb NOx/ton fuel ICE’s - lb NOx/hp-hr power output and lb NOx/MMBtu fuel input Gas turbines - lb NOx/MMBtu fuel Stationary diesels - lb NOx/hp-hr power output and lb NOx/MMBtu fuel input Stationary dual fuel engines - lb NOx/hp-hr power output and lb NOx/MMBtu fuel input
Industrial Processes emission equations Driving factors: Emission factor and mass of fuel burned Emission factor: mass pollutant/mass (or volume) fuel Solid waste disposal - kg NOx/Mg refuse or lb NOx/ton refuse Sewage sludge - kg NOx/Mg refuse or lb NOx/ton sludge Medical - kg NOx/Mg refuse or lb NOx/ton refuse Open burning - kg NOx/Mg refuse or lb NOx/ton refuse Auto Body - kg NOx/Mg refuse or lb NOx/ton refuse Evaporation losses - g/drum or lb/drum Petroleum refineries - kg NOx/10 3 L fresh feed; lb NOx/1000 bbl (barrel) fresh feed; kg NOx/1000 m3 gas burned; lb NOx/1000 ft3 gas burned; kg NOx/103 L refinery feed; lb NOx/1000 bbl refinery feed
Data Source Transportation data - EPA AP-42 Vol II Appendix G Fuel combustion and industrial processes - EPA AP-42 Vol I Chapter 1-5, 11 (Add web links)
Summary The major contributors of NOx emissions How emission inventory is determined Where data came from Conclusion NOx emissions still too high (stick to the topics you covered )
Recommendations Look over the data and see where some of the controls added to try and clean the pollutant from the emission is actually doing more harm than good. Try to cut down on the amount of production of fuel sources that needs to be burned to be used. (think of putting the above message in more specific terms – I.e. which parts of the emission factors could be reduced – by engineering –by …..