Poetry - refer to Lit book pgs 576-581
Lines and stanzas Poems are broken up into lines. The length of each line and where it ends, contributes to the poems meaning and sound. Lines often appear in groups or “stanzas” usually referred to as a poems “paragraph.”
Traditional,Free Verse, Narrative Traditional poetry has a set # of lines and stanzas Free verse poetry let’s ideas drive where each line breaks and when each stanza ends Narrative poetry- Tells a story….has a setting, characters, and a plot
Tone and Mood Remember, tone and mood will apply to poetry as well as other literature. TONE- the attitude….will be negative, neutral, or positive MOOD- the feeling of the poem….gloomy, happy, mocking, scolding, playful, etc….
Sound Devices- create musical quality in poetry and can also emphasize meaning The Following devices are often used in poetry: Rhythm Repetition Alliteration Assonance
RHYME SCHEME The pattern of rhyming in a poem Use an END RHYME to denote the rhyme scheme. Ex- Twinkle, twinkle little star a How I wonder what you are a Up above the world so high b Like a diamond in the sky b Twinkle, twinkle little star a How I wonder what you are a
Limerick A 5 lined poem that is usually humorous with the last line often delivering a “punch line.” It’s rhyme scheme is usually aabba
RHYTHM and REPETITION Rhythm- the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line. 2. Repetition- the use of a word, phrase, line or sound more than once to show importance. Ex- Waving at the shore Waving at the sky Waving at my history 3. Meter- meter is a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem…emphasizes the musical quality.
Alliteration The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in 2 or more neighboring words or syllables…. EX: Klein could be clever or clueless, kind or cold, curmudgeonly or compassionate-all in the same day. EX: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Assonance Assonance: the repetition of vowel sounds or syllables within words. EX: The moon was a radiant bloom in the speckled vase of night, Carrie couldn’t shake her gloom, try as she might. EX: So they show they can float if not swim.
Onomatopoeia The use of words that sound like what they are….(Think Batman) EX: Pow, Buzz, Smack, Clank, Bang POW!!! BANG!