Prof. Q UT Arlington
A long narrative. Written in hexameter. Focus on the heroic actions of larger-than-life figures or of a great civilization. Focus on the hero’s relationship to non-natural forces. Glorification of the past (repetition, description, setting, behavior). Battles. Motivational speeches. Councils of gods / great leaders. Epics from the oral tradition (Shield of Heracles) focused on the hero and were short. Epics from the written tradition were longer and focus on the hero or the civilization. The Epic – What is an Epic?
In classical hexameter, the six feet follow these rules: A foot can be made up of two long syllables or a long and two short syllables,. The first four feet can contain either one of them. The fifth is almost always a dactyl, and last must be a spondee. Hexameter
Begins in medias res. The setting is vast, covering many nations, the world or the universe. Begins with an invocation to a muse (epic invocation). Begins with a statement of the theme. Includes the use of terms, names, or places that are in common use or common knowledge. Contains long lists (epic catalogue). Features long and formal speeches. Shows divine or supernatural intervention on human affairs. Features heroes that embody the values of the civilization. Often (not always) features the tragic hero's descent into the Underworld or hell. Religion matters in epic poetry. Nostalgia is almost always present. What are the Core Elements of ‘The Epic’?
The hero generally participates in a cyclical journey or quest, faces adversaries that try to defeat him in his journey and returns home significantly transformed by his journey. The epic hero illustrates traits, performs deeds, and exemplifies certain morals that are valued by the society the epic originates from. Epic / Tragic Hero =UD51mcnc9Hg
Represents the ideals of a nation or race Is a cultural symbol Heroic Compulsion (Desire to fight) Superior Social Station or Superior Quality Tall, Handsome, Muscular High physical skill and intelligence Courageous Has supernatural abilities Needs a crisis to show his true awesomeness Always has a flaw Epic / Tragic Hero
Gilgamesh (12 th Century B.C.) [Anonymous, Mesopotamia] The Iliad (8 th Century B.C.) [Homer, Greece] The Odyssey (8 th Century B.C.) [Homer, Greece] Argonautica (3 rd Century BC) [Appolonius, Greece] Beowulf (8 th Century) [Anonymous, Possibly Scandinavia] Sundiata (13 th Century) [Anonymous, Mali] Divina Comedia (14 th Century) [Dante, Italy] Paradise Lost (17 th Century) [John Milton, England] La Pucelle d’Orleans (18 th Century) [Voltaire, France] The Epic – Epic Poems
Importance of Identity and Self Good Warrior vs. Good King Beowulf Gilgamesh The role of women in Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh as a reflection of the values of his society. Relationship to The Bible. Love / Lust as a Motivating Force Iliad The relationship between gods and mortals Military Glory vs. Family Hector vs. Paris Achillies
The term “Epic” can also apply to: Epic Films Epic Novel (specially sci-fi and fantasy) Epic Video Game Epic Music The Epic – Epic Across Media
Epic Fail?
Epic Music Symphonic and Instrumental with Chorus Harmonization Focus on Drums Sounds are symbolic of war Music that Tells an Epic Music of any genre that tells the story of a hero figure, remembers great deeds, or promotes heroic traits. Epic Music vs Music that Tells an Epic
Play through one of the titles below: ADVENT (Colossal Cave Adventure) Adventure Play through, or watch a play video (in Youtube) of, one of the titles below: Final Fantasy Final Fantasy 3 Final Fantasy 4 Final Fantasy 6 (Extra credit for FF 6) Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy 13 Read the transcript to one of Lost Odyssey’s Dream Sequences Homework You may write a piece/ create a video on one or more of these titles as a reader response.