World Population distribution Aims To be able to describe the distribution of World population
Brief: You are to complete a number of tasks on Population distribution. Population distribution is a description of where people are in the world. Task 1: Using Map A (a chloropleth map) describe where concentrations of population are found.
Sahara desert India
Task 2: Most Likely to be India or the Sahara Desert? Look at the 16 characteristics in the table below and decide whether they would be ‘Most Likely’ India or Sahara desert. Write them in the boxes as you go along. 1) Population of over 1 billion people 2) Hot and Dry all year round 3) Little precipitation4) Fertile flat land. 5) Land is mainly sand and nothing can be grown 6) Population of under 10,000 7) Large modern cities such as Mumbai, Delhi and Colcatta. 8) 50°C in the day and freezing at night 9) No villages or towns10) Little vegetation as nothing will grow. 11) The main producer of rice in the world 12) Located in Northern Africa 13) Warm and wet climate. Perfect for growing crops. 14) Located in Southern Asia 15) The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers flow through here. They provide water for crops. 16) Overpopulation is a problem here
Level 5: To be able to compare areas at an international level. Be able to describe and explain the characteristics of an area. Be able to use geographical terms such as densely, sparsely and population density. India is …………..whereas the Sahara Desert is…… The reasons for this are that in India……. Compared to the Sahara which is…….. Task 3: Levelled paragraph. Use the guide and the ‘Most Likely’ table to write a paragraph describing and explaining the population differences between 2 contracting areas such as India and the Sahara desert.