Archana Sharma, Suman Beri Panjab University Chandigarh India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan. 2011 1 Updates on the RPC trigger efficiency work with data driven.


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Presentation transcript:

Archana Sharma, Suman Beri Panjab University Chandigarh India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan Updates on the RPC trigger efficiency work with data driven method and Muon trigger efficiencies with Tag & Probe

Plan of talk India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan RPC trigger efficiencies with Data Driven method.  Analysis features  Brief description of method  Some efficiency plots  Summary Muon trigger efficiencies with official Tag & Probe method  Analysis features  Brief description of Tag & Probe method  Selection cuts for Tag & Probe  Trigger Efficiencies plots  Summary

A Data Driven trigger performance evaluation method India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan GMT algorithm keeps trace of the muon sub-system which provided the candidates measurement(s) Such feature can be exploited for evaluating in a data- driven fashion the trigger performance of each muon sub- system By considering the trigger candidates provided by a given sub-detector using its complementary one as reference. Motivation Such method is relevant in cross section calculation scenarios, for trigger efficiency evaluation unbiased by MC guesses

Analysis Features India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan CMSSW version : 3_8_4_patch4 MC sample /WToMuNu_TuneZ2_7TeV-pythia6/Fall10-START38_V12-v1/GEN-SIM-RAW Data Sample /Mu/Run2010B-WZMu-v2/RAW-RECO Results of the Data driven efficiencies for RPC trigger system with MC sample and real data were compared.

India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan Three types of efficiencies curves for the DT and RPC trigger system : For data driven efficiency with MC and real data – all the events with GMT candidates provided by the DT’s in barrel – amongst these, the number of events with candidates provided also by RPC is counted up. For Data Reco efficiency – all the L2 muons – amongst these the number of events with Candidates provided by RPC is counted up.

Some plots of RPC trigger system efficiency with eta cuts only India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan |eta|<0.2, 0.33<|eta|<0.56, 0.76<|eta|<0.97 for negative muonsfor positive muons

India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan for negative muonsfor positive muons Phi binning = 10 degree

India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan for negative muonsfor positive muons Pt binning = 10 GeV/c

Applied the different sets of phi cuts for positive and negative muons to rule out the geometric cracks along different sectors in phi India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan for negative muonsfor positive muons

India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan for negative muons for positive muons

India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan for negative muons for positive muons

Summary India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan Efficiencies before applying phi cuts : Efficiency after applying phi cuts : Phi cuts improve the matching between the curves for MC and real data as well as the efficiencies. RPC Trigger efficiency curves after cuts show flat behaviour with respect to transverse momentum except low momentum. Data driven efficiency with MC Data driven eff with real data Eff with reco muons for real data For positive muons  0.06%83.95  0.63%84.32  0.61% For negative muons  0.08%83.01  0.74%83.57  0.72% Data driven efficiency with MC Data driven eff with real data Eff with reco muons for real data For positive muons  0.06%93.96  0.56%94.06  0.56% For negative muons  0.07%93.87  0.63%94.05  0.61%

Efficiencies of HLT_Mu9, HLT_Mu11 & HLT_Mu15 triggers with Tag & Probe India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan

Overview of Tag and Probe Method India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan Tag and Probe method is a data- driven approach to estimate the efficiencies of the different processes which involves a particle reconstruction in a detector. Very tight selection criteria: Tag Paired with tag to fulfill resonance mass window: probe (loose selection criteria) ε = Npass/ Npass + Nfail

Analysis Features : India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan CMSSW version used : 3_8_4 MC sample used : /DYToMuMu_M-20_CT10_TuneZ2_7TeV-powheg-pythia/Fall10- START38_V12-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO Data sample used : 1) /Mu/Run2010A-WZMu-Sep17Skim_v1/RAW-RECO 2) /Mu/Run2010B-PromptReco-v2/RECO

Selection criteria on Tag & Probe India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan Cuts on Tag : 1) Pt >20 GeV 2) |eta| < 2.1 3) Passing VBTF cuts (no isolation) Cuts on Probe : 1) Pt > 20 GeV 2) |eta| < 2.1 3) Passing VBTF cuts (no isolation) HLT_Mu9 – unprescaled upto run HLT_Mu11- unprescaled upto run HLT_Mu15_v1- unprescaled for all run range used in the present study

Efficiency of HLT_Mu9 wrt eta for all Pt range India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan

Efficiency of HLT_Mu9 wrt Pt for all Eta range India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan

Efficiency of HLT_Mu11 wrt eta for all Pt range India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan

Efficiency of HLT_Mu11 wrt Pt for all Eta range India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan

Efficiency of HLT_Mu15_v1 wrt eta for all Pt range India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan For real data

Efficiency of HLT_Mu15_v1 wrt Pt for all Eta range India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan For real data

Summary India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan Efficiencies are summarized as : Significant matching between data and MC efficiency curves. There is a drop in efficiency for the eta region 1.05<|eta|<1.2 which is the overlap region. Drop in efficiency is more prominent for HLT_Mu9 (~70%) for both positive and negative eta regions where as for other two triggers a prominent drop is there for negative overlap region but not for positive overlap region. Trigger namesEfficiencies with MCEfficiencies with real data HLT_Mu ± 0.028%89.90 ± 0.50 % HLT_Mu ± 0.028%92.32 ± 0.31 % HLT_Mu15_v ± 0.20 %

Next Plans India-CMS meeting TIFR, Jan RPC trigger efficiency work : Further optimize the eta and phi cuts for real data. Study of DT trigger system efficiency with data driven method. Muon trigger efficiency work : Study of efficiency drop in overlap region. Study of efficiency for |eta| region from 2.1 to 2.4. To calculate the trigger efficiency at L1 and HLT level separately with Tag & Probe.