BCC Work Session Donation Drop Boxes Zoning Division October 22, 2013
Issues with Donation Drop Boxes Issues with Donation Drop Boxes Issue BCC open discussion Staff requested to examine and report Proliferation of Donation Drop Boxes – Location Rights-of-way Roadway Corridors Parking – Aesthetics – Safety – Purpose Not regulated by County Code
Donation Drop Boxes Also known as Donation Bins, Donation Collection Bins, Recycling Drop-Off Bin..etc. Donation drop box is any receptacle used for the collection of used clothing, shoes, and small household items donated by the public for redistribution. Mainly donation drop boxes encourage recycling of textiles. Textile recycling involves everything from reselling used clothes and shoes in retail stores, to baling them into half-ton packages, loading up cargo ships, and reselling them wholesale overseas.
Donation Drop Boxes Issues with donation drop boxes Examples of regulatory practices Potential solutions
Issues with Donation Drop Boxes Overflow of donated items Violation of various site regulations Deceptive Advertising Hurricane Hazards Unauthorized use of private property
Regulatory Practices Regulatory Practices Palm Beach County – Prohibited Miami Dade County – Permitted with standards, but only to non-profits Collier County – Permitted with standards(non-specific), available to profit and non-profits City of Orlando-In progress of considering standards
Potential Solutions Main options: 1.Prohibit completely 2.Permit with specific standards, available only to non- profits 3.Permit with specific standards, available to both profit and non-profits
Potential Solutions If option #2 is selected: 1.A requirement that proceeds of donation drop boxes be used in accordance with organizations charitable purpose and benefit person with the boundaries of Orange County. 2.If proceeds go outside of Orange County, they shall provide emergency relief for victims of natural, man-made or economic disasters. 3.Donation drop boxes are contained wholly upon improved property owned and operated by the applicant non-profit organization.
Potential Solutions Permitting standards: 1.Limit to commercial and industrial zoning districts as accessory use 2.Require property owner’s authorization 3.Donation drop boxes shall be structurally sound, clean, well- maintained and emptied regularly 4.Permit clearly displayed on front of container
Potential Solutions Permitting standards (cont.) 5. Location criteria: Size shall not exceed an area of 20 sq. feet and 6 feet in height (maximum 1 box per lot) Appropriate contact information, signage and disclosure information Site placement- Must not be located in any required parking, open space, public right-of-way, or impede vehicular or pedestrian circulation, vision, or access to a site. Permanently or temporarily affixed to the property as approved by the Building department to meet wind resistance standards
Next Steps Coordinate with stakeholders Coordinate with City of Orlando Draft Ordinance LPA Review Public Hearings
BCC Work Session Zoning Division October 22, 2013