What is We Act? We Act is a movement that empowers young people to become more active local, national, and global citizens. Students plan and carry out projects to make a meaningful difference in their community and the world. Video
We Day Day long event, featuring celebrities and motivational speakers, at the Xcel Center on Wednesday November 12 th. Meant to MOVITIVATE & INSPIRE! Youth coming together with the goal of making the world a better place Video We Day is not a one day event – it is part of a year long commitment to local and global service
We Can Be in the We Act Club? ANYONE! Leaders & Doers are needed! Student planned and lead – research/organize/lead. Others need to carry out responsibilities. Whatever time you are willing and able to give!
Who Goes to We Day? There is a limited number of tickets that our school received – 25 (less than last year). Individuals will be chosen through an application process. It will be based on leadership and participation in Youth Service
What are the expectations of those that attend We Day? A strong desire to be part of the team to plan and implement a local and global project. A full commitment to the We Act Club and the planning, implementation and participation of the year-long projects. Bring back the enthusiasm from We Day to motivate and inspire the rest of the Club and BHS to participate!
What does We Day cost? $0 -The ticket and transportation are FREE! Bring a bag lunch It is a school day – it will be an excused absence, but you will be responsible to make up all missed work.
How do I apply? Complete the application and turn it with by October 8 th (sooner is fine). Turn forms into Mrs. Phillips at Youth Services in the IMC or have it put in her mail box in the office Give a reference page to two teachers (or one teacher and one other adult) – have them return directly to Mrs. Phillips.
We Club Meetings Every Wednesday 7:25 to 7:55 Check the Website – Activities & Clubs / We Act Group will SOON be updated! Sign up for reminders Remind - text reminders – Text “weactclub” to
ProjectIdeas? Last year Hope 4 Youth & Soles for Souls Bring Ideas to the next meeting “We Scare”
Other Youth Service Watch the Youth Services Website for Opportunities – Feed My Starving Children September 30 th – sign up at Youth Services or on the website Presidential Volunteer Award – all youth service counts Join PWAP (People With A Purpose) – Check the site for more information – Listen for the next meeting in announcements – Let Mrs. Phillips know you would like to get on the list