PSY 245: Drugs and Behavior Dr. Robert Hakan S&B 105H Office 9:15-10am Web:


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PSY 245: Drugs and Behavior Dr. Robert Hakan S&B 105H Office 9:15-10am Web:

Course Description There can be little doubt that we, more than in any previous era of human culture are citizens of a pharmacological age. Drugs of all kinds are used by an overwhelming proportion of the population. The effects of drug use on body functions and behavior combined with the economic and legal aspects of drug use, profoundly influence our culture. The phenomena of drug use, drug effects and the cultural dynamics surrounding drug use are the concerns of this course. It is the contention of scholars that scientific study of these issues is critical for developing the understanding and insight necessary to mediate the associated problems.

POLICIES: TURN CELL PHONES AND other Electronic Devices OFF ATTEND CLASS; don’t be late, respectfully engage in class discussions. READ materials before class and answer study guide questions. Text readings are prepare you for lectures that are intended to reinforce and expand upon portions of your readings. Lectures are posted for your convenience but are not prepared as stand alone notes or to substitute for class attendance and notes! Exams will cover assigned readings and associated study guide questions that may not be covered in class lecture.

Electronic Device Policy Electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, PDA's, etc. should be switched off during the class period. An electronic device that is active during a quiz or exam invalidates your performance on that exam and is sufficient grounds for a zero to be assigned. Attendance Policy Regular attendance is strongly recommended, but I will not take regular attendance in a class this size. However, I have found that students who miss many classes usually also perform poorly on exams.

Grading –Exams and Quizzes will be multiple choice and will cover both material presented in lecture and by study guide questions. The “small: Scantrons will be required. Quizzes will be announced at least one class day before they are given. Exam 1 20% Exam 225% Exam 325% Quizzes (best 3 of 5)10%. each Normally exams cannot be made-up. If you know in advance that you cannot make a certain test date, talk to me and we can schedule the test in advance. If there are special issues that affect your attendance (e.g., UNCW athletics or other authorized activities; medical issues), please see me.

Course Outline I. Introduction to Drugs and Behavior A. Introduction and Overview B. History C. The Nervous System (chpt 3) D. Psychopharmacology: An Emerging Science (chpt 4&5) Exam 1: ( Readings: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5) should be expected around Feburary 5-10th II. Major Psychoactive Drugs Discussion of the history, mechanism of action, medical and psychotherapeutic uses, physiological and psychological effects of the following drug groups: E. Cocaine and Amphetamines F. Nicotine and Caffeine G. Alcohol I H. Psychiatric drugs I. OTC drugs Exam 2 Readings: Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, & 14) should be expected around March 22-26th III. Psychoactive Drugs (cont’) J. Marijuana K. Hallucinogens: LSD, MDMA (ecstasy), Peyote, Psilocybin, etc. L. Opiates M. Drug Use as a Social Phenomenon: Intervention and treatment FINAL EXAM: Readings: Chapters 10, 11, 12, 15, & 16 The final exam will be comprehensive, but will focus on the readings and lectures of Units III.

Final Grading.... will be based on a 10-point Plus/minus scale. The grade ranges are as follows:93-100=A,… =A- (minus),… =B+ (plus),… =B,… =B- (minus),… =C plus,… =C,… =C minus,… =D+ (plus),… =D,… =D- (minus),…. Etc.. Academic Dishonesty It is an insult to you hard working and honest students that someone would engage in academic cheating. Cheating ultimately erodes the value of a university degree for all of us. In the unfortunate event that this occurs, it will be dealt with based on UNCW policies. Please refer to your student handbook.

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