Longview School uses multiage grade levels from Kindergarten through to Grade 6 to provide endless learning opportunities in the areas of literacy and numeracy to develop strong learners.
Your child must turn 5 on or before Dec. 31, in the school year to be eligible.
Develop fundamental Literacy and Numeracy skills in every child Support students use of Higher Order Thinking Skills (Problem Solving, Decision Making) Small Class Sizes Athletic opportunities (Basketball, Volleyball, Football) Strong Fine Arts Program (Christmas Production, Thanksgiving, Spring Theater) Numerous Special Events and Celebrations Dedicated, Student Oriented Staff Clubs, Talent Show and Share, Intramurals Strong Sense of Family
Kindergarten I am learning to communicate I am learning to share I am learning to problem solve I am learning to work and play in a group I am learning to follow the routines I am learning to express my thoughts and feelings in appropriate ways I am learning to make choices and decisions I AM LEARNING! “A strong Kindergarten program will have teachers reflect on the nature of young children and their learning to make informed instructional decisions and create learning environments that are responsive to children’s diverse needs; capabilities; learning styles; dispositions and cultural, social and linguistic backgrounds.” Alberta Education
Our School is an integral part of the community. Village of Longview Playground Construction Memorial Garden Dedication Pitch In Day CEPF - Composting Terry Fox Hill Climb Seniors Tea
Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
A Day in Kindergarten Will Include; 1) Library and Physical Education 2) Reading and Writing Activities (Small and Large Groups) 3) Math (Numeracy) 4) Learning Through Role Play 5) Calendar Activities 6) Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making 7) Understanding and Application of Knowledge
Pre-Assessment Screening Process Foothills School Division has all students entering Kindergarten/Preschool screened in May/June. Screening allows teachers to meet the children and using a standardized screening tool, make recommendations for any issues that may arise such as speech or physiotherapy. You will receive a letter when the screening is to take place.
Bussing and Boundaries After your child is registered in our school their information is sent to the FSD transportation department. Bus drivers will contact families just prior to the start of the school year to confirm pick up times, etc.
Kids are responsible and help each other. You are pushed to do your best. Students are respectful and help each other. I am always learning. I love everyone in the school. LV School has made me the kids I am today. I know how to learn now. Everything!!! We get to work together as an entire school. I wouldn’t change anything at Longview School. There is lots of respect here amongst the students. I like how I feel safe at the school. Really good teaching and a good place to learn because the teachers help us. Soaring Literacy. People help each other when they are stuck. You can get help.
School Goals
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” Athletics Program
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” School Events
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” Technology
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” French
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” Leadership
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” Drama and Fine Arts
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” Outdoor Education
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” Large Community
“We are E.A.G.L.E.S!!” Literacy
School Council "I am so grateful that my children have the opportunity to attend Longview School. Our school is a community in which each member has an important role including students, teachers, support staff and parents. I feel my children get a lot of attention and individualized instruction based on their needs, as well as receiving many opportunities to work with other students of all ages and grade levels. We are truly fortunate to have such a great school here in Longview." Krista Miller, School Council Chair
The Role of School Council There are many reasons to join our school council; o Increase meaningful parental involvement within the school o Support school initiatives and planning o Work with Principal to create a positive learning environment and culture o Share information with other school councils o Communicate information to the school community
Parent Volunteering at the School - Parental Involvement is Encouraged - You will need to complete the following: - Volunteer Form - Criminal Record Check - Driver Form - Confidentiality Agreement
We are Excited about our School We have an open door policy, come and talk to us anytime. To register your child please speak with Mrs. Graham in the office. Everyone is apart of a larger team to support your child’s learning.