ENERGY STAR International Developments
Countries Implementing ENERGY STAR European Union - office equipment Canada - most products Japan - office equipment Taiwan - office equipment Australia - office equipment and Consumer electronics New Zealand - office equipment
Status of implementation - EU Web site: index.htm Outlines registration procedures, programme guidelines, and specifications (same as US) There is mutual recognition between US and EU on ENERGY STAR Partners and qualified products
Status of implementation - EU Program implementation occurs at the member state level EU wide programmatic decisions made in conjunction with EU ENERGY STAR Board –Consists of member state reps, industry reps, and consumer group reps. EC is planning an information campaign for January 2003.
Status of implementation - EU Active involvement in office equipment spec revisions –Meeting in May 2002 to review monitor draft –EC and other EU reps on monitor test procedure development committee –Planning meeting in April on imaging equip. EC contacts: –Andre Brisaer: –Paolo Bertoldi:
Status of implementation - Canada Mutual recognition of participating companies and qualifying products –To benefit from gov’t promotional efforts, mfrs must report a Canadian contact to NRCan Office of Energy Efficiency NRCan cannot use the term “Partner” –Connotes an actual monetary exchange –Term “Participant” is used instead NRCan contact: –Anne Wilkins:
Canadian Survey Says... In the absence of any government advertising or promotion, an omnibus survey, which polled 1,000 Canadians revealed that: –13% of Canadians can identify the ENERGY STAR symbol without any prompting –26% of Canadians, when prompted, can identify the ENERGY STAR symbol Canadians have most commonly mentioned Computer equipment as the place where they’ve more often seen the symbol.
Promotion in Canada –Web site ( –Advertising, co-ops and promotional activities –Marketing initiatives to directly to manufacturers and retailers –Development of agreements with organizations to promote Energy Star internally and externally –Incentives –Sales person training –Procurement initiative
Activities in other countries Mexico –Interest in ENERGY STAR air conditioners and refrigerators promotion of office equipment –EPA & DOE are working with CONAE China and Brazil –Work on harmonization with ENERGY STAR spec levels