IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Special Characters Implementation Zbigniew Majewski 12th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting October 2009, Vienna, Austria
IAEA October 2009, Vienna12 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Outcome of the 11 th JTCM XML implementation for INIS output and a new input tool development should allow introduction of Unicode. the recommendation to develop a detailed plan regarding the possible implications of UNICODE implementation
IAEA October 2009, Vienna12 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Problem INIS allows characters a-Z, digits and a few special characters INIS records quality is constrained due to the limited character set Some abstracts, original titles, author names, conference and journal titles use multilingual characters For some INIS records, formulas are needed in their abstracts Extra effort to eliminate rich character set of electronic input
IAEA October 2009, Vienna12 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Impacts Storage Databases and data exchange files Processing QA (checking rules, authority validation) Retrieval External applications Presentation HTML/XML enabled browsers User Interface using tool specific data formats
IAEA October 2009, Vienna12 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Approach options Unicode enabled storage based Unicode encoding (binary representation) implemented in all layers (storage, processing and presentation) Use of XML for interfaces (like Atomindex) Mark-up based ASCII based mark-up for Unicode characters implemented for storage and presentation Processing modified to recognize mark-up or to become character agnostic
IAEA October 2009, Vienna12 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Barriers Processing StepSoftware ComponentUnicode compatibility Pres.Proc.Storage BR preparationFIBRE--- MET+++ Submission to INIS Secretariat , FTP, File system +++ Image processing Scanning/OCR+-+ BR QAIDPS+-+ Thesaurus+++ Journals+++ CAI+++ INIS ProductsAtomindex + NCL Collection + INIS DB on DVD+ INIS DB on Web+-+
IAEA October 2009, Vienna12 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Actions Finalize upgrading the software platform used by INIS applications Modify FIBRE and IDPS to allow Unicode characters Extend use of XML as the INIS record format throughout the entire INIS process Agree on use of Unicode in Atomindex Replace the search engine to allow searches with Unicode characters
IAEA October 2009, Vienna12 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Thank you!