Welcome!! CIT 593 Intro to Computer Systems aka “Introduction to Computer Architecture” Fall 2012
Instructor: Chris Murphy PhD-Computer Science, Columbia University Professional experience during dot.com era: – Digital Equipment Corporation – Art Technology Group (ATG) – IconMedialab – Citibank BS-Computer Engineering, Boston University cis.upenn.edu
Teaching Assistants Greg Smith Sheng Huang Swati Goswami Office hours will be announced soon!
Why “Computer Systems”?
Why study Computer Systems? To better understand the field of computing and “how things work” To be able to develop software in the context of the underlying hardware To learn skills required of a flexible IT professional (specifically, UNIX and C)
Course Logistics
What is CIT 593? This is the first of the two-course “systems” sequence for MCIT students It assumes that you have no programming experience whatsoever The goals are to teach you the basics of C programming, UNIX, and computer organization /architecture
Course website Lecture schedule and reading assignments Staff office hours and contact info Links to helpful resources Homework assignments
Schedule Part 1: what’s going on inside the computer Part 2: C programming Each week consists of 1.5 hours of lab and 3 hours of lecture Labs held in Moore 207 (“Linux lab”)
Grading Guidelines 97+A A 90-93A B B 80-83B- Homeworks: 50% Lab assignments: 10% Midterm exam: 15% Final exam: 25%
Homeworks There will be 7-8 homework assignments Assignments must be completed individually unless otherwise noted! Will be posted on the course homepage and announced in class
Lab Assignments Labs will be held in Moore 207 on Mondays from 1:30-3pm –No lab next week! Assignments will be done in the lab and should be completed during that time Collaboration is encouraged!
Exams Midterm tentatively scheduled for Oct 25 Final exam will be held according to the university registrar's schedule –Currently set for Mon, Dec 17, 6-8pm Exams cover material from readings and lectures (so come to class!)
Textbooks Required: Patt & Patel, Introduction to Computing Systems, 2 nd edition Recommended: Kernighan & Ritchie, The C Programming Language Available at UPenn Bookstore or online P&P is also used for CIS 240
BlackBoard Check the “Gradebook” to make sure our records match your own Everything else will be on course website!
Piazza Link available from course website Appropriate: Discuss course-related material Clarify intent of assignments Share interesting articles, links, etc. Inappropriate: “Did anyone else get ___ as the answer to question #5?” “My program crashes. Can someone help me?”
SEAS Account You will need a login account to access Penn's computing environment (specifically, the Linux machines in Moore 207) It is the same one you use to get your Penn , etc. If you don’t have an account, go to
Classroom Etiquette If you can’t bear the thought of going 80 minutes without accessing: Facebook Twitter Your stock portfolio icanhascheezburger Then please sit in the back row!
Academic Honesty Please familiarize yourself with the UPenn and SEAS academic integrity policies Links available from course website It is YOUR responsibility to read and adhere to the policies
Academic Honesty Overview Collaboration is not allowed on homework (programming) assignments Be sure to cite any third-party material (websites, books, tutors, etc.) Reusing work (for other classes, or from previous semesters of 593) is not allowed
Upcoming Today: Computer numbers (2.1 – 2.2) Tonight: MCIT social event (Levine 307) Monday: no lab! Tuesday and Thursday: More computer numbers (2.3 – 2.7); digital logic (3.1 – 3.3)