Going Green Student Poster Showcase Natural Gas Joe Woodley; Tim Frykoda; Strathclair Community School ABSTRACT METHODS Natural Gas is a non-renewable resource. Over the years, the layers of sedimentary rock became thousands of feet thick, subjecting plant and animal remains to tremendous pressure. Scientists believe that the pressure and heat of the earth changed the organic mixture into Petroleum and Natural Gas. The Natural Gas became trapped like a wet sponge traps water. Many years ago Greece found Natural Gas, is came up from cracks in the ground and was ignited by lightning. Today Natural Gas makes up 25.2% of the energy we use. We receive Natural Gas through pipelines. Natural Gas burns cleaner than coal and oil. Links: U7xY eF9w-k RESULTS Figure 1. Natural Gas Deposits Natural Gas burns 10x cleaner than coal and oil. Fracking is an easier way to get natural gas, because we can drill horizontally under the ground to reach natural gas under the oceans. Natural Gas makes up 25.2% of the energy we use. Fracking wells go thousands of feet deeper than the traditional gas well. Helps economic growth with cleaner burning and money savings. 6 Natural Gas projects were completed in Natural Gas can be used in many different ways. Natural Gas is used to create products and is used for heat and to fuel vehicles. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES Table 1. Natural Gas wells increase rate. 1. A well is drilled vertically to the desired depth, then turns ninety degrees and continues horizontally for several thousand feet into the shale believed to contain the trapped natural gas. 2. A mix of water, sand, and various chemicals is pumped into the well at high pressure in order to create fissures in the shale through which the gas can escape. 3. Natural gas escapes through the fissures and is drawn back up the well to the surface, where it is processed, refined, and shipped to market. 4. Wastewater returns to the surface after the fracking process is completed. The water is stored in steel containers until it can be stored long-term in oil and gas waste wells. many concerns have been raised about fracking problems, such as how water gets contaminated with the gas, and you can light the water on fire as it leaves the tap. In some cases that is true, say if engineers made a fault, then it could be possible, or if an earthquake hit and broke the cement casing, then yes it would happen. In Manitoba and Alberta, we are in the centre and farther away from the oceans, so earthquakes and catastrophies do not affect us process Natural gas has no shape, no shape, and has no odor. Natural gas was thought of as worthless, but in fact it is very useful to us. In America almost half of the homes are heated by Natural gas. Natural gas is made up of mainly NH4 (Methane), there is no ash and very little pollution. Natural gas has no odor so companies add a chemical to make it smell like rotten eggs, so you can tell if you have a gas leak in your home. Links: QNlINc QNlINc QUiwOQ