Forest Stewardship Council: … its developing Strategy and Structure from a GAN Perspective …making globalization work for all! Steve Waddell - PhD, MBA Chief Learning Steward & Founding Executive Director Global Action Network Net +1 (617)
2 Global Action Networks: Integrating Five Strategies 1.Being truly global and multi-level 2.Implementing interdisciplinary action-learning and reflective action 3.Building enduring yet nimble multi-stakeholder and cross sectoral, inter-organizational networks 4.Generating systemic change through a range of non- violent, boundary-crossing and diversity-embracing activities 5.Realizing the public good
3 Several dozen GANs—and growing… Building Partnerships for Development in Water and Sanitation Climate Group Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Fair Labor Association Forest Stewardship Council Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition Global Compact Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Global Knowledge Partnership Global Reporting Initiative Global Water Partnership Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Marine Stewardship Council Microcredit Summit Campaign Social Accountability International The Access Initiative (TAI)/ Partnership for Principle 10 Transparency International Youth Employment Systems
Vision: a healthy Global World
The Size of GANs A 2006 study of 17 GANs: Staff: 25/18 Annual budget: $9.9/$4.2 million
Development Stages and Activities InitiationProblem/ Solution Def. Infrastructure Development Realizing the Potential Visioning Convening Identifying leader- ship stake- holders Defining the problem Piloting a core physical technology solution Building initial centralized network piloting structure Broadening application of the physical technology solution Deepening understanding of the problem and social technology solutions Increasing network membership and decentralizing structure Enhancing legitimacy and value Creating inter- GAN connections Creating global action norms Increasing participation Communications maven
Question 1: “Membership” How can we be open and engaging? System Citizens Network Participants Organization/partnership/network Decision-Makers Organization/partnership/network Funders
Question 1: “Membership”
Question 2: Glocal How can we be Global and Local? The Global Steward: Interfacing with global actors Connecting/synergizing the network Addressing disparities The Local Steward: Testing Implementing Validating through real improvements
Question 2: Glocal
Question 3: Network How can WE have “peer-like” relationships given diverse “organizing logics” and resources? GAN-Global Simply a distinct set of responsibilities Stakeholder Groups Organizing around each groups’ core logic (market, geography, community) Integrating diverse decision-making goals (profitability, order, justice) Sub-Divisions Organizing around core logic of issue (eco regions)
Question 3: Network
Question 4: Efficiency How can we maximize our resources’ impact? Defining compelling “coherence” activities Creating a solid “business” model Allocating resources to best address (diverse) goals rather than power differences Developing cost-appropriate decision- making processes
Question 4: Efficiency
Question 5: Movement How can we build engagement and support? Shifting strategy -- and structure -- in response to new factors. Building and maintaining trust and legitimacy. Broadening leadership and participation.
Gover nment Busi ness Civil Society Civil Society Business Govern- ment Question 5: Movement
17 GAN-Net Activities 1. Leadership (LeadCoP) 3. Measuring Impact (ICoP) 5. Communica-tions (ComCoP) 4. Generative Change (GCCoP) 6. Knowledge & Learning (K&LCoP) 7. Policy and Advocacy (PACoP) 8. Resource Mobilization (RMCoP) 2. Strategy, Structure & Governance (SSGCoP) Field-Building Action Learning/ Advising
18 …making globalization work for all!