Fish Issues
Fish stocks are constantly under attack
And under attack…..
And under attack….
And under attack…
And under attack….
Solutions?… Think of all the previous slides…what are the solutions???
Solutions for Industrial Air Pollution Scrubbers. Strict emission laws/fines. Education. International Agreements. New R and D ( research and development )
Solutions for Farming Practices? Keep manure in pits lined with cement. Limit on time of year when manure can be spread. Enforcement of laws on fertilizers, pesticides. Other….
Solutions for Car pollution affecting water? Vehicle inspections.. Oil, anti-freeze leaks must be fixed before you can re-insure your vehicle Emission controls. New technology ( hydrogen cars ) Other…?
Solutions for Dams? Don’t build on salmon rivers. Fish ladders around the dams. Smaller scale dams. Transport fish around the dam. New energy solutions other than hydro (wind) Other…?
Solutions for Ground water pollution?? Strict laws and enforcement on industry who pollute groundwater. Heavy fines/jail terms for violators. International agreements. New research and development. Education programs. Other?
Solutions for Landfills and garbage?? 3 R’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Line landfill sites with clay and plastic. Drain off water with leached by-products and clean this water. Incinerate garbage. Other..?
Solutions for Open Pit mines?? Don’t use this type of mining. Fill Open pit mine and cover with soil and vegetation. Reclamation projects ( settling ponds ) Re-stock with fish. Reclamation Bonds put up by the mining companies. Other….?
Solutions for Flooding?? Better dikes built along the river. Dredging? Controversial!! Spawning gravel. Control logging on slopes above rivers. Other…
Solutions for Sewage Disposal?? Better treatment plants.. Heavy fines against violators.. New technology and research into better treatment systems. Educate people about what not to put down the drains. ( Phosphate free soaps ) Other…
Solutions for Recreational Fishing??? * Keep Mr. Bradley off the river !!! Limit your catch, don’t catch your limit. Strict enforcement of regulations. Close certain fisheries which are in trouble. Force fishermen to take a course on fishing procedures, ethics etc… before they can get a license. Keep Mr. Bradley off the river!!
Solutions for Native Fishery?? Negotiations with the Government and other user groups. Self enforcement within the Native fishery. Other..
Solutions for Commercial Fishing Limit their catch. Limit their number/hours of fishing. Enforcement of the rules - heavy fines/jail Buy out the commercial licenses. Limit the method of fishing permitted. –Trollers vs. seiners. –Fish weirs.
Fish Farms?? Solution or Problem? Solution? If we eat farm raised fish then the wild salmon are left alone to rebuild their stocks. Problem? Disease Lice Escapement into wild streams/rivers. Are they reproducing? Fish fecal waste on the bottom of the ocean floor. Debate within the science community about the dangers of fish farms. Alaska has banned all commercial farms. B.C. government want to expand the industry.
Hatcheries: Problem or Solution?? Solution: Rebuilding the stocks of salmon. Wild salmon must be released. More fish for Campbell and Bradley to catch!!! Problems. Poor hatchery practices lead to disease, genetically weak fish. Hatchery fish breading with wild fish leads to genetically weak fish.