doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide nd Vice Chair’s Report November 2013 Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Introduction This presentation is a status update on attendance, membership, balloting and documentation matters. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 2
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report ANA Status The latest database is 11-11/0270r18 (October 2013) Changes since last meeting: –TGaf final changes (from Sponsor Ballot comment resolutions) November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 3
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 4 Current Membership Status Data as of Definitions: Aspirant: a member who has attended 1 qualifying meeting Potential Voter: a member who has attended 2 qualifying meetings and will become a voter at the start of the next plenary they attend StatusNumber Aspirant111 Potential Voter48 Voter323 Note, does not include effect of LB200 – 18 will lose membership
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 5 Recent voting member history
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 6 Recording Attendance It is a requirement that attendees record their participation at an session and declare their affiliation. This record is usually made using the IMAT attendance system. –If you wish to participate without recording attendance, send an per session to the WG 2 nd vice chair declaring your participation and affiliation. You cannot gain or maintain voting membership using this method. You must record 75% attendance of eligible slots in a session for that session to count towards gaining or maintaining voting membership –You need a single IEEE-SA web account The IEEE SA web account requires a working address do not remove your address from the account –Use the address associated with that web account when registering attendance If you change addresses, update the web account, don’t create a new web account, or your membership status may not be calculated properly –Record attendance using this URL:
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 7 Session graphic – Nov Normal slots 4 extra slots –Sunday CAC –Monday evening (Ethernet Anniversary) –Tuesday editor’s Meeting –Tuesday evening (Tutorials) –Thursday CAC 75% attendance requires 13 slots attended Closing plenary requires only 1 registration for 2 slot credit Source: 11-13/1241r0 Register once
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Online Calendar This session’s meetings are also shown on the calendar on the home page ( This is a Google calendar There are multiple ways of accessing this information, for example from a cell-phone, or as a remote calendar. Note: the schedule on this calendar will be updated, but any room changes will probably not be. Room changes will be posted on rooms. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 8
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 9 Documentation
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 10 Local File Document Server information Local FTP server: (anonymous) External Document Server
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Synchronizing while at the meeting Particularly important when external bandwidth is limited and unreliable Use anonymous ftp –Host: –User: anonymous –Password: –Destination directory: /802.11/13 Freeware tools are available, for example search for “syncback free” ** ** Other tools are available. The IEEE does not endorse the use of any particular tool. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 11
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Posting of Liaison Response from the Wi-Fi Alliance When, as individual members of , we post a submission, we are bound by and implicitly acknowledge IEEE-SA copyright rules. When a liaison response is received from an organization that contains copyrighted material, permission must be sought and received before the document can be posted as an IEEE submission. The IEEE-SA provides templates for both the request (from the WG chair) and the response. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 12
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 13 Reflectors There is an reflector for the working group, plus one for each task group. Write access to the reflectors allowed for those who are members with status: aspirant, nearly-voter, potential- voter, voter. To make a request, visit the reflector request page: –Gathers information and sends an to Vice Chair If you change address – please let me know. I will perform a global change to the list servers. Public read access to all reflectors is available via the home page on the “WG ” menu.
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report WEDNESDAY November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 14
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Webex** trial IEEE-SA is trialling the provision of Webex for telecons. The trial is open to all 802 groups. We will attempt to use IEEE-SA provided Webex sessions for all telecons. Unknowns: –Who is host? Whether people/session limits are an issue. –Features supported. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 15 ** other names and brands may be claimed as the properties of others
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report EC Workshop An opportunity for EC members and WG vice chairs to have an in-depth discussion/exchange on items that are not part of the normal business. All day Saturday, after the plenary. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 16
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report EC workshop agenda November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 17 Should the 802 community consider separating from the IEEE SA and establishing an independent SDO? How much background info in a PAR Adherence to process for PARs. How strict does the EC want to be in applying existing rules? Next Gen publishing system 802 Marketing for 2014 Cooperation and contributions of the other WGs in the OmniRAN project? What is the opportunity/impact on WGs? China outreach for March plenary Non-USA meetings services requirements Take feedback on Geneva meeting and identify any issues Review existing requirements and discuss if they are adequate Why are there term limits for elected members of the EC vs there are no term limits for chair of 802 and voting appointees. Technical interchange between WGs We have tutorials. But should there be a way of encouraging increased technical interchange between each others' groups.
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Metadata repair project ~8000 documents on mentor have “N/A” for the Author (Affiliation) field. These were largely the result of moving between various documentation systems. At the request of , IEEE-SA provided a feature to download, correct, and upload the metadata. I “crowdsourced” the collection of corrected metadata to members. Over a period of a few weeks, they supplied the corrected data, which have now been uploaded. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 18
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Thank you! November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 19 Volunteer Count of Rev Edward4772 Chris947 Jean-Pierre687 Filip297 Adrian267 GeorgeV250 Rene206 DaveH141 Ron127 HenryP110 Shahrnaz107 Rick81 Stephen62 (blank) Grand Total8054
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Reference November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 20
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Assigned Numbers Authority (ANA) The ANA is Adrian Stephens The purpose of the ANA is to ensure we have no conflicts for numbers between parallel developments. Such a conflict has the potential to create interoperability problems. The ANA Process: –Request by TG Editor (or TG chair) to ANA –ANA checks for conflicts with TG Editors –ANA issues revised spreadsheet showing any changes November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 21
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report WG Balloting - ePoll Each WG letter ballot sequence (i.e., task group) has its own voting pool set to the voting members of at the time the ballot first reaches 75% approval. –I get asked all the time “should I vote on this ballot” –The answer is “go check the voters list published with each and every ballot”. There’s a link on the home page during the ballot. The mechanism we will use to collect votes/comments is the ePoll mechanism provided by the IEEE-SA. –Use either individual comments or the template.csv spreadsheet provided. –Can also supply comments using.xls format –You will need to sign in using your IEEE-SA web account –Last ballot (LB187) was successful – people seem to be getting used to the technology quickly. If you are new to writing comments or comment resolutions, please see document 11-11/1625. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 22
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Reciprocal Credit An voting member will get attendance credit for attending any of the following groups: – (Radio Regulatory TAG) – (Coexistence WG) –OmniRAN ECSG SG – (Smart Grid TAG) Note that this means you can maintain voting status while attending these groups, but you cannot gain voting status. For / / ECSG SG attendance – There should be an option under IMAT to record reciprocal credit. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 23
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Meeting attendance – last 11 years November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 24
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Membership by Country and Region November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 25
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Membership – Historic Data November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 26
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 27
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report Backup November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 28
doc.: IEEE /0096r8 Report TGaj Inaugral voters 29 members attended the TGaj inaugural meeting (Sept 2012). Non-voters were granted immediate voting status – i.e., they are treated as an exception to the normal rules requiring “2 of 4 plenaries”. I propose to remove this exception after the March 2014 Plenary. This means they must meet the “2 of 4 plenaries” rule after March to maintain voting membership. Attendance at the January China Interim and March China Plenary suffices to maintain voting membership. November 2013 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 29