1 Proteomics: APPROACHES AND IMAGE ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR DRUG DISCOVERY Authors: Sophia R. HE, Edmond J. Breen and Sybille M. N. Hunt Source: ICME 2003, pp.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Proteomics: APPROACHES AND IMAGE ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR DRUG DISCOVERY Authors: Sophia R. HE, Edmond J. Breen and Sybille M. N. Hunt Source: ICME 2003, pp , 2003 Speaker: Shu-Fen Chiou( 邱淑芬 )

2 Outline  Introduction  Image processing  Analysis tools  Conclusions  Comment

3 Introduction

4 Spot detection

5 Matching

6 Normalization

7 Analysis tool

8 Conclusion   Proteome System is an integrated, Webbased proteomics platform that includes sample preparation, protein separation, protein image acquistition and analysis, protein characterization andidentification, data management, and provides a centralized system control for proteomics experiments.

9 Comment  此為商業性質的 paper ,但是可以告訴我 們目前所需要的是什麼技術。