Funding and Initiatives for Greening Government Buildings Lance Davis, AIA, LEED Bill Wells National Office of Design & Construction 26 October 2009 Morse U.S. Courthouse Eugene, OR NOAA Suitland, MD EPA Science and Technology Kansas City, KS U.S. Census Bureau Suitland, MD
PBS Building Inventory ► Largest civilian landlord in the U.S. Government ► Over 1 million Federal employees housed in PBS space PBS Inventory ► Over 1,523 owned properties: 176 million sq.ft. ► Over 7,106 leased properties: 177 million sq. ft. 353 million sq. ft. USDA Manhattan, KS Denver Federal Center Lakewood, CO St. Elizabeth’s Washington, DC FDA White Oak, MD
Office of Federal High Performance Green Buildings Mission: provide high-performance green building information and disseminate practices, technologies and research results through outreach, education, and the provision of technical assistance government-wide. Morse U.S. Courthouse Eugene, OR NOAA Suitland, MD EPA Science and Technology Kansas City, KS U.S. Census Bureau Suitland, MD
DHS Omaha, NE NPS Omaha, NE SSA Auburn, WA DOT Washington, DC Integrated Design Energy Water What makes up a Federal High Performance Green Building Indoor Environmental Quality Materials
President Obama Signs Executive Order for Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance ► Intended to strengthen and expand EO 13423
New EO and Federal Leadership Guidelines ► 30% reduction in vehicle fleet petroleum use by 2020; ► 26% improvement in water efficiency by 2020; ► 50% recycling and waste diversion by 2015; ► 95% of all applicable contracts will meet sustainability requirements; ► Implementation of the 2030 net-zero-energy building requirement; ► Development of guidance for sustainable Federal building locations in alignment with the Livability Principles put forward by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
ARRA ► GSA received $5.55 billion ► $750 million Courthouses and FOB ► $300 million for LPOEs. ► $5.5 billion for High Performance Green Buildings ► The $5.5 billion in ARRA funding requires GSA to use it to green the building inventory as much as possible. ► The $5.5 billion in ARRA funding requires GSA to use it to green the building inventory as much as possible. USDA Manhattan, KS Denver Federal Center Lakewood, CO St. Elizabeth’s Washington, DC FDA White Oak, MD
ARRA Guidance and Specifications ► Lighting – Office, stair, garage, parking lot ► Roof – Cool, planted, bipv, pv roof mounted ► Ground mounted PV ► Water efficiency USDA Manhattan, KS Denver Federal Center Lakewood, CO St. Elizabeth’s Washington, DC FDA White Oak, MD
ARRA Funded LPOE Northern Border Projects ► Madawaska ► Van Buren ► Calais ► Blaine Peace Arch ► All to incorporate High Performance Building Standards
Questions Lance Davis, AIA, LEED Morse U.S. Courthouse Eugene, OR NOAA Suitland, MD EPA Science and Technology Kansas City, KS U.S. Census Bureau Suitland, MD