The “More” in More than Education and Counseling
Campaign Purpose Create a culture/climate that supports and encourages regular savings Responsibility of consumer credit use or no use of credit at all Result: a financially prepared fighting force and financially stable healthy families
Intended Results Indicators of Campaign Success: – Increased savings deposits – Increased TSP and other retirement investment participation – Decreased consumer debt Credit cards Car loans Other installment loans – Self-referral for education and counseling – Subscribers to Military Saves communications (project officers and individuals)
Action on Two Levels Personal behavior Community organizing/promotion
Become a Saving Community Leadership directs (CFC Campaign Model) Leadership take the Saver Pledge Key organizations intentionally embed savings promotion into their culture Local organizations work together to promote savings and debt reduction installation and community-wide
Command Take the Pledge Send regular messages encouraging saving Proclaim the installation (unit, organization) a Saving Community Proclaim observance of Military (America) Saves Week annually Proclaim quarterly focus Dedicate human and financial resources
Public Affairs Develop year-round communication plan Execute plan Work with community leaders and community media to promote Military Saves
Readiness Center/DeCA/Exchange Save your savings (sales tax, gas) Print (posters, ad circulars) Bags Posters Giant voice Coordinate with bank and/or credit union to offer a drawing or contest for a savings account deposit (vs. merchandise) Marketing expertise
Medical Promote small steps to health and wealth Promote relationship between financial stability and emotional health Military Saves pledge cards in waiting rooms (arrange with receptionists to give them to patients and collect and enter new Savers on web)
ASMC (Comptrollers) Sponsor special events, especially fun numbers- related ones – See how fast your money can double – When will you become a millionaire Challenge them to have 100% enrollment in their chapter and in their units Develop Military Saves champions to speak in units (and at their own regional PDIs)
Youth Center Lead Military Youth Saves Work with bank or credit union to have a “student branch” In addition to usual financial literacy programs, have special events that show youth how it all adds up – Multiply pennies – Save half your allowance for a year, compound it for 50 years, etc.
Child Development Center Pledge cards for parents dropping off and picking up kids Send packets home with kids about the power of time and money (see Ben and Arthur chart in MilSaves resource kit), info about 529 plans, UGMA accounts, etc.
Schools In-school branches Homework involving parents – go to bank or credit union, learn about (and open!) savings accounts Contests to promote savings – Essays – Videos – Songs – Posters – Cartoons
Spouse Clubs (and all other clubs (bikers, boaters, sports, etc.) Savings parties – Savings tips – Savings songs – Savings stories Contests – Cut up credit cards – Save on XXX – Save for XXX Contribute to community-wide promotions
NCO or Officer Councils/Associations Ensure 100% participation TSP challenge – 100% informed participation – Annual increase – Brief your troops! LES comprehension contests – Teach troops to read and understand their pay – Show them where they can find money to save
Bank and Credit Union Offer special savings products Sponsor giveaways, recognition, special events, celebrations, etc. Tours of facilities In-unit introduction to types of savings accounts (if commander allows, with opportunity to open savings accounts on-site)
Chamber of Commerce Military Affair Committee – Help fund activities by providing giveaways, food, etc. – Support activities with presence, speakers, etc. Chamber Staff – Public relations and marketing – Promote the campaign to off-base members, encouraging them to join and support and complement your on-base efforts
MWR Marketing Promotion
Other Organizations Bottom line – money is involved in every aspect of life Everyone has a place at the campaign table Encourage groups to get involved and make it fit their personality