Primary/Dominant Leadership Styles in an administrative world
Theoretical Models of Administrative Leadership Synergistic Leadership Theory Vertical Dyad Linkage Theory Reciprocal Influence Theory
Synergistic Leadership Theory Attitudes, Beliefs, Values Autocratic to Nurturer External Forces Organizational Structure
Vertical Dyad Linkage Theory Focuses on the relationship between a leader and each subordinate In-group Out-group
Reciprocal Influence Theory Leader behavior affects subordinate behavior Subordinate behavior affects leader behavior
Similarities and Differences Table 1 Table 2
Four Well-known Persons Joel Osteen Oprah Winfrey Fidel Castro Hillary Clinton
Joel Osteen Pastor Lakewood Church Houston, Texas
Oprah Winfrey Talk Show Host Chicago, IL
Fidel Castro Former President Cuba
Hillary Clinton Former First Lady United States Senator New York
Four Local People Julie Corona Joanne Fox Cathy Jordan Teresa Simpson
Julie Corona Bilingual Power Reading Spanish I, Girls Soccer Coach Ozen High School Beaumont, Texas
Joanne Fox PreK Teacher Washington Elementary Port Arthur, Texas
Cathy Jordan 2 nd Grade Teacher St. Anne’s Catholic School Beaumont, Texas
Teresa Simpson Director of Lamar University- Career & Testing Center Beaumont, Texas