M EET THE T EACHERS Miss Harmon Mrs. O’Reilly Mrs. O’Reilly Mrs. Berwanger Mrs. Berwanger Mrs. Taris
O UR S CHEDULE 8:50-9:05- The REAL start of our day! We line up by class outside until our teachers walk us up to our classrooms!
M ORNING R OUTINE 9:05-9:20- During this time we: 1. Check-in on our Mimio 2. Turn in assignments and our Partner Pads 3. Fill out our Planner and our Behavior Log 4. Get ourselves ready for the day!
O UR M ORNING M EETING 9:20-9:30- This is our time to over-view the day, talk about important items, or meet with our “Star Student”.
O UR M ATH S WITCH 9:30-10:40- Each student has been placed into a Math group to best meet their mathematical needs which are varied for each student in Third Grade. We will be re-assessing frequently throughout the nine weeks to ensure that their placement is “just right.”
O UR S PECIALS 10:45-11:25- Computer Lab Mr. Strickler - PE Ms. Hudson- Music Ms. Kamnick- Art
G RAMMAR T IME ! 11:25-11:45 - Nouns; Proper, Plural, and Abstract nouns Verbs; Linking and Action, Regular and Irregular Adjectives ADVERBS Subject Verb Agreement Verb Tenses
L UNCH AND R ECESS 11:50-12:50- During this time our students are monitored by our Duty Aides.
S OCIAL S TUDIES OR S CIENCE OR H EALTH 12:55-1:25/30- We will be focusing on one subject at a time throughout the school year.
G UIDED R EADING AND S TATIONS 1:25/30-2:35- During this time students will be working in small groups based on reading level, ability with specific reading skills, fluency, etc. If they are not working with the teacher, they will be working in independent stations like; Technology, Library, Word Study, Writing/Handwriting, Skill stations that reinforce the concepts that we are working on in class, etc.
W RITING WITH “S TEVE D UNN ” 2:35-3:15- During our school year, the teachers will be in professional development to gain insight and strategies on how to provide quality Writing Instruction for our students. This time will be used to implement these strategies and support our Third Grade Writers. Narrative Informative and Explanatory Opinion Research Response to Text Journal entries
T HE E ND OF THE DAY “P ACK UP ” 3:15-3:25- This year we have a new “process” for dismissal from all three of the Third Grade classrooms and as a building. One teacher will be walking out the “Walkers, Car Riders and SACC students”. THEN, the other two teachers will be lining up the BUS riders and the Day Care riders in the hallway by their bus number. This process has really helped keep us organized and ensure that our students leave the building safely!