Sample From User Collect NMR Data by users Structure Calc. & Display Schedule Set up Experiments Data transfer Maintain Software Instruction Maintain NMRs Develop Methods Train Users How the NMR Lab works currently?
What kinds of high-field NMR we have in IBMS ? Probes : 5mm 1H 5mm probe 1H/19F 5mm probe 1H/Broad band Reverse 5mm probe 1H/15N/13C 5mm probe TXI (1H/13C/31P) 5mm with Z gradient TXI (1H/13C/15N) 5mm with XYZ gradient Probes: 8mm TXI (1H/13C/15N) 8mm with Z gradient Probes: 10mm 1H 10mm probe 1H /19F 10mm probe 1H /Broad band 10mm probe Bruker Avance 600 with XYZ gradient unit (more than 99% used)
Bruker AMX500 with Z gradient unit Probes : 5mm TXI (1H/13C/15N) 5mm with Z gradient (more than 98% used)
Information on web homepage for user’s information Schedule on the web spectrometer reservation Simple Operation Manual step by step instruction Useful Experiments 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D homo-, hetero- nuclear Parameters setting expt/proc. parameter setting with pp NMR related Software update and short instruction What we have done for NMR users? NMR Experiments Display & Analysis Structure Calc. Data Processing
Examples of Standard Experiments 1D with/without gradient 2D homo with/without gradient COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY 2D heter HSQC, TROSY, dynamics (T1/T2/NOE/CPMG…) 3D tocsy type TOCSY-HSQC, H(CC)(CO)NH, CC(CO)NH, HCCH-TOCSY 3D noesy type NOESY-HSQC 3D triple resonance for assignment HNCA, HN(CO)CA, HNCO, HN(CA)CO, HNCACB, CBCANH, CBCA(CO)NH, HBHANH, HBHA(CO)NH 3D J-coupling HNHA, HNCA-J, HNHB, HACAHB 4D noesy type 13 C-HMQC-NOESY- 15 N-HSQC Green: available for both AVA600 & AMX500 Black: only available at AVA 600
NMR data processing software XWINNMR (process NMR data on IRIX 6.X & Linux ) License only available for older version nmrPipe (process NMR data on IRIX6.X & Linux) NMR data analysis software AURELIA (analyze NMR data on IRIX 6.X & Linux ) License only available for older version nmrDraw (analyze NMR data on IRIX 6.X & Linux ) nmrView (analyze NMR data on IRIX 6.X & Linux ) Sparky (analyze NMR data on Linux) Example of currently available software
Structure Calculation program and software CSI Chemical Shift Index (making consensus plot on IRIX) TALOS (dihedral angles prediction on IRIX 6.X & Linux ) XPLOR (structure calculation on IRIX) CNS (structure calculation on IRIX6.X & Linux) ARIA (auto NOE assign and structure calculation on IRIX6.X & Linux) Structure display & analysis software INSIGHT II (on IRIX, license from computer center) MOLMOL ( on IRIX & Linux) MOLSCRIPT ( on IRIX) PROCHECK (structure analysis on IRIX) GRASP (on IRIX) VINCE (for making NOE connective plot on IRIX)
NMR dynamics MODELFREE ( on IRIX, Linux & Euler ) NMR data transfer sFTP (with security) ZIP drive (for personal computer) Compact Disk
What will/should be new in the High-field Biomacromolecular Solution NMR core facility? More instruments and probes upgraded AVA500, AVA600, US800s, Cryoprobes More NMR users More new/updated experimental methods for biomacromolecules develop new experiment to fit user’s requirement More software development NMR applications (software manager) New operating service Operators to collect standard experiments Others from your suggestion Thank You!